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How do I create a hyperlink on a Razor page to an image stored in wwwroot?

How do I create a hyperlink to an image stored in wwwroot on a Razor page?


  var WFR = "~/images/Certifications/" + (@Model.WFR ??  "../LogoSmall.jpg");
  <img src="@WFR" asp-append-version="true" />  // Works great!
  <a asp-action="@WFR">see document</a>    // Fails miserably

The img tag renders the image just fine. But the anchor tag prepends a controller/action which routes me to my error page. This is what the tag helper generates: https://localhost:44394/Employment/~/images/Certifications/12144abb-6af2-424f-b005-4c2039228934_WFR2016.jpg. Setting asp-controller="" just brings me to the home controller.

What am I missing?

You don't need any tag helpers for this, just set the tag to link to your image -

<a href="@WFR" target="_blank">see document</a>

A user in another forum suggest this: Url.Content()

  <a href="@Url.Content(@WFR)">see document</a>

... and it works!!

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