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Run aarch64 Docker image in GitHub x86 container workflow

I'm testing a GitHub workflow that checks if the code compiles on arm64, using a Linux/aarch64 Docker container for the build. I'm aware GitHub containers are x86 only, however I'd like to know if it is possible to execute multi-arch images in docker on GitHub managed workflows.


On GitHub the CI job is executed and the container initializes ok: https://github.com/facebookincubator/hsthrift/runs/4835956150?check_suite_focus=true#step:2:14

  /usr/bin/docker pull ghcr.io/donsbot/hsthrift/ci-base:ghcup-arm64v8
  ghcup-arm64v8: Pulling from donsbot/hsthrift/ci-base
  Digest: sha256:4c09341793d78efb74ad751b55152637d00b6297049458923825368fffb5485d
  Status: Downloaded newer image for ghcr.io/donsbot/hsthrift/ci-base:ghcup-arm64v8

  /usr/bin/docker create .. --cpus 2 ... --entrypoint "tail" ghcr.io/donsbot/hsthrift/ci-base:ghcup-arm64v8 "-f" "/dev/null"

  /usr/bin/docker start a63c28c54f278781f85a4ca85e3b1f5c3dd7c0d6b125fbcfd0e1d2f57ad0b0ef

  /usr/bin/docker ps --all --filter id=a63c28c54f278781f85a4ca85e3b1f5c3dd7c0d6b125fbcfd0e1d2f57ad0b0ef --filter status=running --no-trunc --format "{{.ID}} {{.Status}}"
  a63c28c54f278781f85a4ca85e3b1f5c3dd7c0d6b125fbcfd0e1d2f57ad0b0ef Up Less than a second

  /usr/bin/docker inspect --format "{{range .Config.Env}}{{println .}}{{end}}" a63c28c54f278781f85a4ca85e3b1f5c3dd7c0d6b125fbcfd0e1d2f57ad0b0ef

So that all looks fine and happy. But the job fails on the first exec step as the VM is not running.

Error response from daemon: Container a63c28c54f278781f85a4ca85e3b1f5c3dd7c0d6b125fbcfd0e1d2f57ad0b0ef is not running

This works successfully locally on various hosts.


  • how can I debug what's happening to the container here?
  • are multi-arch images generally supported on x86 Docker containers on GitHub? (other examples)

Related work

This missing piece is multi-arch support in the standard GitHub 'container' docker engine.

Instead of using the 'container' method, we can use invoke the cross-compile steps in a fresh docker container manually. This is automated by the run-on-arch-action, which takes care of getting qemu and docker into the right state.

docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes


The yml file for building on non-x86 now looks like:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: ci (arm64)
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Build in arm64 container
        uses: uraimo/run-on-arch-action@v2.1.1
          arch: aarch64
          distro: ubuntu20.04
          # Install deps into the container. With the token, the container will be cached
          # The image is cached publically like a package
          githubToken: ${{ github.token }}
          install: |
             .. install packages for the arm container (e.g. Dockerfile steps)
          run: |
             .. run build steps on the container

This action essentially builds the Docker image for us, with qemu set up, takes care of caching it, and runs it with the right emulation for the GitHub runner hosts.

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