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Azurite docker image and CORS

I'm developing an Azure function application in C#. I'm trying to run the application locally and am having a large amount of difficulty around getting a file upload to work with Azurite.

The application has a frontend written in Angular. It utilizes the "@azure/storage-blob": "^12.6.0" library to upload a file to Azure storage with the following code:

      private uploadFile(audioMedia: AudioMediaDto, file: File | null, storageAccessInformation: StorageAccessInformationDto): Observable<TransferProgressEvent> {
        const sub = new Subject<TransferProgressEvent>();
        if (file) {
          const url = `${env.blobStorageUri}?${storageAccessInformation.accessToken}`;
          const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(url);
          const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(storageAccessInformation.containerName);
                             onProgress: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => sub.next(progress)
                           () => sub.complete(),
                           () => sub.error('')
        } else {
        return sub.asObservable();

Here is my docker-compose.yaml

    version: "3.9"
        image: mcr.microsoft.com/azure-storage/azurite
        command: "azurite --loose --blobHost --blobPort 10000 --queueHost --queuePort 10001 --location /workspace --debug /workspace/debug.log"
          - 10010:10000
          - 10011:10001
          - 10012:10002
          - ./azurite:/workspace
        build: frontend
          - 4200:4200

When I run docker-compose up , I open the Azure storage emulator and connect to my Azurite instance and then right click on the 'Blob Containers' and configure a CORS policy that looks as follows:

  • Allowed Origins: http://localhost:4200
  • Allowed Methods: PUT,OPTIONS
  • Allowed Headers: content-type,x-ms-blob-type,x-ms-client-request-id,x-ms-version

I create a container through Azure storage explorer and then right click on it and choose "Get Shared Access Signature...". I make the Expiry Time for a year in the future and select all of the permissions. When I click create though, I see the following error message:

Error when calling Azure Storage:'version' must be >= '2019-10-10' when providing 'x' permission.

While I believe this will be a problem, if I currently run the application as is and try to upload a document to the container, I'm getting the following message:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:10010/devstoreaccount1/container-name/src%2F0e237853-f7a9-4dc8-b892-a0eddc2688d8?sv=2018-03-28&st=2021-06-30T15%3A03%3A48Z&se=2022-07-01T15%3A03%3A00Z&sr=c&sp=c&sig=qWHZ4wpkoVZwvJbPK0r6%2Fwf%2B5LL3kBjgEc6oFm3ikUA%3D' from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

I can see that the CORS settings I applied to my container were saved though because when I look at the ./azurite/__azurite_db_blob__.json file, I see the following section in it: 在此处输入图像描述

What setup/steps am I missing, that would enable me to upload a document to the azurite container running in the docker image?

With CORS, the values specified in AllowedHeaders and ExposedHeaders properties must match exactly with the headers sent and received respectively. A mismatch in these header values will cause CORS related errors.

Furthermore, in my experience different browsers send/receive different headers and that would also cause CORS related errors.

Simplest way to fix this is to set * for both AllowedHeaders and ExposedHeaders properties. What this will do is allow all headers and you will not get CORS error.

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