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Zeep create xs:choice element

I have wsdl with ArrayOfVEHICLE type:

<xs:complexType name="ArrayOfVEHICLE">
        <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:element name="VEHICLE" nillable="true" type="tns:VEHICLE"/>
            <xs:element name="VEHICLEV2" nillable="true" type="tns:VEHICLEV2"/>

I am trying to create element with that type with zeep:

vehicle_v2_type = client.get_type("ns0:ArrayOfVEHICLE")
vehicle_v2 = vehicle_v2_type(VEHICLEV2={...})

And I get an error:

TypeError: {http://www.vsk.ru}ArrayOfVEHICLE() got an unexpected keyword argument 'VEHICLE2'. Signature: `({VEHICLE: {http://www.vsk.ru}VEHICLE} | {VEHICLEV2: {http://www.vsk.ru}VEHICLEV2})[]`

I have tried using _value_1 method from zeep docs like this:

vehicle_v2 = vehicle_v2_type(_value_1={"VEHICLEV2": {...}})

And I get another error:

TypeError: No complete xsd:Sequence found for the xsd:Choice '_value_1'.
The signature is: ({VEHICLE: {http://www.vsk.ru}VEHICLE} | {VEHICLEV2: {http://www.vsk.ru}VEHICLEV2})[]

Anybody knows how to create that element with zeep?

Ok, i got it. My wsdl says that choise element got to be list, because of signature:

<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">

And the easy way is to create Nested list using _value_1 , without factories in my case

    vehicles={  # Element with ArrayOfVEHICLE type
        "_value_1" : [
                "VEHICLE2": {...}

Hope this wil help someone

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