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I don't understand why this result come why path add Environment.CurrentDirectory?

private void CommandMethod(object parameter)
            string path = @"‪C:\Users\yu_in\Desktop";
            Teststring = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            DirectoryInfo fi = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            Teststring2 = fi.FullName;

I Can't Understand why Teststring2 = "C:\Users\yu_in\source\repos\TestApplication\TestApplication\bin\x64\Debug\net5.0-windows\C:\Users\yu_in\Desktop" why result add Environment.CurrentDirectory?

There is quite literally more to this question than meets the eye:)

Your path has an additional, invisible, unicode character at the beginning of it: U+202A (The actual text in your code is: @"[U+202A]C:\Users\yu_in\Desktop" ). This is making your path invalid, so the constructor of DirectoryInfo is attempting to use your provided path as a local path.

Instead of this: @"C:\Users\yu_in\Desktop" , use this: @"C:\Users\yu_in\Desktop" . I know both paths look the same, but only the second one is a valid path.

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