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Cannot run apt-get update in docker

I am having issues connecting with apt-get from a Docker image. To recreate, I can run

sudo docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash

and then type:

apt-get update

Without fail, the machine is unable to connect and I get a series of errors that look like this:

Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/focal/InRelease Could not connect to ports.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out

I am running an M1 Macbook Pro and have tried:

  • Changing DNS settings
  • Other docker base images
  • I'm able to successfully download from other sources (eg. pip install)
  • Disabling IPv6
  • Trying another wi-fi.network (I'm not behind any firewalls)

None of this has helped so far, and I have been completely unable to apt-get update or apt-get install to work in a docker container. Would greatly appreciate the help!

Check if you have Private Relay enabled. Disabling it solved for me, without factoring reset the MacBook Pro.

I had the same issue, where in Safari I could access http://ports.ubuntu.com but in Chrome or even wget http://ports.ubuntu.com was giving connection timeout on Docker.

Figured out I was able to load these URLs in Safari, but not Chrome – which tracks with an ongoing issue I've had with this new computer where some sites weren't loading in Chrome. Do not know exactly what the issue was – probably some weird DNS thing – but a factory reset of my Mac solved the issue.

RUN apt-get update -y

Try to run this command and let me if it works

First make sure you can ping to external services. May be try ping google.com .

If its not working, check firewall of you laptop. It may be blocking apt repo.

Alternately you can try two options. First using Dockerfile and then docker build

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt update
RUN apt install vim #or any package you want

Or, run the docker image, and then connect to that image and run.

docker run --name my_ubuntu -d ubuntu

docker exec -it my_ubuntu /bin/bash

And then try to run apt update command.

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