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Define a protocol type variable in another protocol

I want to define a variable v1 of type protocol p1 in some other protocol p3 , and in class c1 which conform to protocol p3 i want to define v1 from a another protocol p2 which is a child of p1 .

in a normal way i got this error

Type 'c1' does not conform to protocol 'p3'

do you have any solution?

protocol p1 {}

protocol p2: p1 {}

protocol p3 {
    var del: p1! { get set }

class c1: p3 {
    var del: p2!

You can't do this.

You define protocol p2 to conform to protocol p1 .

You define protocol p3 's member del to confirm to protocol p1 .

You define class c1 to conform to protocol p3 , and its member del to conform to p2 .

Here's the issue: if class c1 conforms to protocol p3 , then you should be able to assign anything that conforms to protocol p1 to its del member. That's what conforming to protocol p1 means, as you yourself have defined it.

But you have defined class c1 's del member to conform to protocol p2 . This is the problem.

This does work one way – anything conforming to protocol p2 is known to also conform to protocol p1 , so you can assign anything conforming to protocol p2 to an instance of class c1 's member del and it will be fine.

However it doesn't work the other way. Things conforming to protocol p1 aren't defined to conform to protocol p2 . So we have a gap. Because class c1 conforms to protocol p3 , you should be able to assign something that doesn't conform to protocol p2 – but does conform to protocol p1 – to its member del . That's the way you've defined the protocol. But you've also defined c1 's del to conform to protocol p2 .

You're telling the type system two different things. You're saying that del requires something that's p1 indirectly through the protocol, and you're saying that del requires something that's p2 directly through the class definition. Both can't be true, so the compiler can't proceed.

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