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How do I splice a new image into an array in the same position that the image that I want to remove is in and to display this image

I have an array of images. Each image is clickable and generates a message.The images are in a random array. This all works fine. What I am failing to achieve is the following: When the image is clicked it becomes obsolete so I want to replace the clickable image with a new, unclickable image. I have tried using the array.splice method as follows newArray=myImages.splice(evt.target,1,newImage) This places the new image at position 0 in the new array and not in its original position and no new image is produced to overwrite the older image. I would be grateful for any help.

If we guess that evt in newArray=myImages.splice(evt.target,1,newImage) is an Event object, evt.target is a DOM element , not an index. If this is in the click event you describe, it will be the clicked image.

The first argument of splice is the index at which to make changes; a number. DOM elements are not numbers.

splice also returns an array of deleted images, not an updated array. (Unlike methods like map or slice , splice modifies the array you call it on.)

You can find the previous image's index by using indexOf and then us splice with that:

const index = myImages.indexOf(evt.target);
if (index !== -1) {
    myImages.splice(index, 1, newImage);

or you could use map to create a new array with the new image in place of the clicked one:

newArray = myImages.map(img => img === evt.target ? newImage : img);

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