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Typescript complex type inference

I'd like to do a more detailed type inference for Rule3

export interface BaseOption {

export type Validator = {
  [key in string]?: (
    val: number,
    formData: string,
  ) => void | Promise<void | Error>;

export interface RequiredFunc {
  required: (message: string) => void;

export type CombineOptions<ExtraOption extends Validator> = ExtraOption &

function Rule<ExtraOption extends Validator>(
  options: ExtraOption | BaseOption
) {
  return {} as ExtraOption extends BaseOption
    ? CombineOptions<ExtraOption>
    : ExtraOption;

// Condition1
const rule1 = Rule({
  a() {},

rule1.a; // There are code hints in vscode

// Condition2
const rule2 = Rule({ required: true });

rule2.required; // There are code hints in vscode

// Condition3
const rule3 = Rule({
  a(f, b) {},
  required: true,

rule3.required; // There are code hints in vscode
rule3.a; // There are no code hints in vscode

How do I get the code hint for a in condition 3.If I do not add generics manually, the condition 3 is not worked in vscode. Is my type inference the wrong way?

Generally speaking if you want the compiler to infer a type parameter X , you should give it a value of type X from which to infer it. In your Rule function you were trying to infer X extends Validator from an options value of type X | BaseOption X | BaseOption , and the results were not great. As soon as options was assignable to BaseOption , the compiler gave up with inferring X more specifically and it fell back to Validator , causing both rule2 and rule3 to be of type CombineOptions<Validator> , which is true but not specific enough for your needs.

If we refactor so that X is itself a type that extends Validator | BaseOptionValidator | BaseOption and that options is of type X , then inference will work correctly and the compiler will not forget the specific properties of options :

function Rule<X extends Validator | BaseOption>(options: X): RuleOutput<X> {
    return {} as any // impl

The issue now is to figure out how to express the output type RuleOutput<X> as a function of the input type X . From reading your RequiredFunc and CombineOptions types, it looks like what you want to do is output X more or less as-is, except if there is a key named required , you want to change that property type to be (message: string) => void . That can be expressed via a mapped type with a conditoinal type to check for the condition where the key is required :

type RuleOutput<X> = {
    [K in keyof X]:
    K extends "required" ? (message: string) => void : X[K]

Let's see if it works:

// Condition1
const rule1 = Rule({
    a() { },
/* const rule1: {
    a: () => void;
} */

// Condition2
const rule2 = Rule({ required: true });
/* const rule2: {
    required: (message: string) => void;
} */
// Condition3
const rule3 = Rule({
    a(f, b) { },
    required: true,
/* const rule3: {
    a: (f: number, b: string) => void;
    required: (message: string) => void;
} */

Looks good. Your rule1 is the same type as before, and now rule2 and rule3 are more specific and know about the specific keys passed in as options .

Playground link to code

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