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Using 'runas' command and check which USER/DOMAIN the current session is on

I often run cmd shell using runas with multiple domain accounts, how could I get the domain name from the shell that was running under a different domain account?


C:\>echo %userdomain%
C:\>runas /netonly /user:DOMAIN2\USER cmd
Enter the password for DOMAIN2\USER:
Attempting to start cmd as user "DOMAIN2\USER" ...

Now on the new shell which is running as DOMAIN2\USER still gives me the %userdomain% output as DOMAIN1 . Is there a way I could get the domain of runas account?


for /f "delims=\" %a in ('whoami') do @echo.%a

This is the expected behavior of RunAs when used with the /netonly parameter.

Using /netonly allows you to run your command/application/shell with your user (DOMAIN1\USER), while authenticating over the network with another user (DOMAIN2\USER).

From Microsoft Documentation:

/netonly Indicates that the user information specified is for remote access only. This parameter cannot be used with the /profile parameter.

You can however open the new cmd.exe prompt with a command that will set a variable you can then use... for example:

runas /netonly /user:DOMAIN2\USER "cmd /K SET NETONLYUSER=DOMAIN2\USER"

So you can access this variable in the new cmd.exe with %NETONLYUSER%

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