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STATA: Replicate interpolation for multiple variables

I am interpolating multiple variables, but don't know how to do it efficiently.

My data looks like this

Country Year v_country_1 v_country_2 v_country_3 ... v_country_234
Canada 2000 1005 1051 1052 --- 1120
Canada 2001 ---
Canada 2002 ---
Canada 2003 ---
Canada 2004 2000 3500 500 --- 10562
Korea 2000 1005 1051 1052 --- 1120
Korea 2001 ---
Korea 2002 ---
Korea 2003 ---
Korea 2004 2000 3500 500 --- 10562
... ... ... ... ... --- ....
Uganda 2000 1005 1051 1052 --- 1120
Uganda 2001 ---
Uganda 2002 ---
Uganda 2003 ---
Uganda 2004 2000 3500 500 --- 10562

As you can see my data includes multiple countries. So, I need to interpolate the variables by country.

I can interpolate the one variable very easily by using the code:

by cow: ipolate v_country_1 year, gen(v_country_1_ipo)

But, I have 234 variables... so it is almost impossible to replicate this work by hand.

Could you please teach me how to do it? (I know there is a command foreach that is meant to do replication.)

ds v_country_*

foreach x in `r(varlist)' {
    by country: ipolate `x' year, gen(`x'_ipo)

// OR

forvalues i = 1/234 {
    by country: ipolate v_country_`i' year, gen(v_country_`i'_ipo)

Check out help ds and help forvalues or help foreach for further details.

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