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how to setup Teamcity (2021.2.2) deploy app with clickonce

I have a simple wpf/console app build that I want to deploy and be able to update where ever it is installed. So I picked clickonce, from ms, because that seamed to fit my needs.

I can build, deploy, install and update it manually quite fine;-) but when I move to do the same steps on my teamcity build server, i ran into trouble.

I have a very simpel pipeline.

  1. build the app (works fine)
  2. make the setup.exe, to be installed.. <= trouble !!
  3. copy to an ISS hosted website.

ad 1) my build: 在此处输入图像描述

ad 2) my make click once.... 在此处输入图像描述

If I run through step 2 manually in visual studio on the buildserver, it works. I get the binaries published in a folder. That I can copy to the IIS folder. but nothing is produced with TeamCity !!!

  • what am I doing wrong? (the trace looks like there are no files, to work with. they are gone somehow...)

8x-------- lines pasted in from teamcity log

in directory: C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\4c50753a43ea36fe

17:14:49 Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.11.2+f32259642 for .NET

17:14:49 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


17:14:50 Build started 27/01/2022 17.14.50.

17:14:50 0>Process = "C:\Program Files\do.net\do.net.exe"

17:14:50 MSBuild executable path = "C:\Program Files\do.net\sdk\5.0.404\MSBuild.dll"

17:14:50 Command line arguments = ""C:\Program Files\do.net\sdk\5.0.404\MSBuild.dll" -maxcpucount -verbosity:m -target:Publish -property:TargetFramework.net5.0 -property:Configuration=Release -property:VersionSuffix=187 -property:NoBuild=true C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\4c50753a43ea36fe\TeamCityNugetTest.sln @C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\temp\agentTmp\2.rsp"

17:14:50 Current directory = "C:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\4c50753a43ea36fe"

17:14:50 MSBuild version = "16.11.2+f32259642"

17:14:50 Project "TeamCityNugetTest.sln": Publish

I would suggest you define your output directory to a location outside of:


I assume TeamCity is trying to put the outputs in \bin , as happens on a normal build/publish, unless you specify the output elsewhere. And if your repository doesn't contain \bin , it won't have an actual place to put it when it's done.

Also, you could probably just do the second build step. I believe do.net publish will build the project/solution anyway.

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