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unique constraints for Yang leaf-list across all nodes in a list

I have below yang models

container PORT {

    description "PORT part of config_db.json";

    list PORT_LIST {

        key "name";

        leaf name {
            type string {
                length 1..128;

        leaf-list lanes {
            type string {
                length 1..128;

And below config

PORT": {
    "PORT_LIST": [
            "name": "Ethernet8",
            "lanes": ["65", "66"]
            "name": "Ethernet9",
            "lanes": ["65", "67"]

How to add a constraint, 'must' or 'unique' such that elements of leaf-list 'lanes' are unique across all nodes in PORT_LIST. In above example value '65' in 'lanes' field should be allowed only in one node.

The unique statement may only refer to one or more leaf statements, so that is not an option.

You should be able to achieve a similar result with a must statement and a condition like this:

module c {
    yang-version 1.1;
    namespace "c:uri";
    prefix "c";

    container PORT {
        description "PORT part of config_db.json";
        list PORT_LIST {
            key "name";
            must "count(lanes[current()/preceding-sibling::PORT_LIST/lanes = .]) = 0" {
                error-message "Lanes entries must be unique accross all entries of PORT_LIST";
            leaf name {
                type string {
                    length 1..128;
            leaf-list lanes {
                type string {
                    length 1..128;

The condition says something along the lines of: if there are any lanes for this PORT_LIST entry, none of them should have the same value as the lanes in any of the PORT_LIST entries that come before this one.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<config xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
  <PORT xmlns="c:uri">
Error at (9:5): failed assert at "/nc:config/c:PORT/c:PORT_LIST": Lanes entries must be unique accross all entries of PORT_LIST

This is just a quick example, there may be more efficient ways to define the condition.

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