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How to access newly created files on a repo via the Github API?

I can access existing files just fine. For example, this works perfectly to retrieve the contents of README.md at the root of the repo:


However, if I create a new file at the root of the repo called 'test.txt', I get a 'Not Found' error when I try to retrieve it like so:


Why can't I access newly created files at the root of the repo, using the Github API? Is my access token corrupt or something?

Turns out I was making a simple mistake. I was returning the contents of a forked version of the repo using this URL:

https://api.github.com/repos/<Github User Name>/decent-salesforce/contents

When I should've returned the contents at the organization level using this URL:

https://api.github.com/repos/<Github Organization Name>/decent-salesforce/contents

Double-check your PAT (Personal Access Token) , and its associated scope (at least repo ), as well as its possible expiration date.

Use said token directly in command-line to see what is going on:

curl -v -i -u your_username:$token https://api.github.com/...

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