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How can be saved the destinations of nested navigation graph's id in the bottom navigation Jetpack Compose?

I am facing some problems with navigation's back stacks in Jetpack Compose. The following diagram is my desired scenario. 在此处输入图像描述

I have bottom bar and two items Home and Setting. And I want to make both as nested graphs. In HomeNavGraph, HomeRootScreen is startDestination and can navigate to HomeDetail1Screen and HomeDetail2. Setting tab also likes that. And I want to save those nested graph states like When I click HomeRoot -> HomeDetail1 -> HomeDetail2, at that time I click Setting tab in BottomBar. And click back to Home, I want my current Screen to HomeDeatil2Screen.

The followings are my codes. This is my Destination class.

    sealed class Destinations(
    val route: String
) {
    object HomeRoot : Destinations(route = "home_root_screen")
    object HomeDetail1 : Destinations(route = "home_detail1_screen")
    object HomeDetail2 : Destinations(route = "home_detail2_screen")

    object SettingRoot : Destinations(route = "setting_root_screen")
    object SettingDetail1 : Destinations(route = "setting_detail1_screen")
    object SettingDetail2 : Destinations(route = "setting_detail2_screen")

const val BOTTOM_NAV_ROUTE = "btn_nav"
const val HOME_ROUTE = "home"
const val SETTING_ROUTE = "setting"

This is my BottomBarNavGraph.

fun BottomBarNavGraph(
    navController: NavHostController
) {
        navController = navController,
        startDestination = HOME_ROUTE,
        route = BOTTOM_NAV_ROUTE
    ) {

This is HomeNavGraph.

fun NavGraphBuilder.homeNavGraph(
    navController: NavHostController
) {
        startDestination = Destinations.HomeRoot.route,
        route = HOME_ROUTE
    ) {
        composable(route = Destinations.HomeRoot.route) { HomeScreen(navController = navController) }
        composable(route = Destinations.HomeDetail1.route + "/{argText}") {
            val arg = it.arguments?.getString("argText") ?: "Nothing Typed"
                text = arg,
                navController = navController
        composable(route = Destinations.HomeDetail2.route) { HomeDetail2Screen(navController = navController) }

This is SettingNavGraph.

fun NavGraphBuilder.settingNavGraph(
    navController: NavHostController
) {
        startDestination = Destinations.SettingRoot.route,
        route = SETTING_ROUTE
    ) {
            route = Destinations.SettingRoot.route
        ) {
            SettingScreen(navController = navController)
            route = Destinations.SettingDetail1.route
        ) {
            SettingDetail1Screen(navController = navController)
            route = Destinations.SettingDetail2.route
        ) {
            SettingDetail2Screen(navController = navController)


This is my BottomBarDestinations.

sealed class BottomBarDestinations(
    val route: String,
    val title: String,
    val icon: ImageVector

) {
    object Home : BottomBarDestinations(
        route = HOME_ROUTE,
        title = "Home",
        icon = Icons.Default.Home

    object Setting : BottomBarDestinations(
        route = SETTING_ROUTE,
        title = "Setting",
        icon = Icons.Default.Settings

The followings are my setup of BottomBar in navHost.

fun BottomBar(navController: NavHostController) {
    val screens = listOf(
    val navBackStackEntry by navController.currentBackStackEntryAsState()
    val currentDestinations = navBackStackEntry?.destination

    BottomNavigation {
        screens.forEach {
                screen = it,
                currentDestinations = currentDestinations,
                navController = navController

fun RowScope.AddItem(
    screen: BottomBarDestinations,
    currentDestinations: NavDestination?,
    navController: NavHostController
) {
        label = {
            Text(text = screen.title)
        icon = {
                imageVector = screen.icon,
                contentDescription = "Nav Icon"
        selected = currentDestinations?.hierarchy?.any { it.route == screen.route } == true,
        unselectedContentColor = LocalContentColor.current.copy(
            alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled
        onClick = {
            navController.navigate(screen.route) {
                launchSingleTop = true
                restoreState = true

fun MainScreen(
) {
    val navController = rememberNavController()
    Scaffold(bottomBar = {
        BottomBar(navController = navController)
    }) {
        BottomBarNavGraph(navController = navController)

Please help me with this. I stack with this. If you want to check the source code. You can check this in branch



If you need to save state of route (Screen) or graph, you need to use following technique:

navController.navigate(screen.route) {
                    inclusive = true
                    saveState = true
                launchSingleTop = true
                restoreState = true

BTW, I can't use


I specify the start destination by myself (in your case will be "home_root_screen").

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