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How to edit Visual Studio Code auto-complete in JavaScript?

I was coding on JavaScript when my instructor, Andrew J. Mead (I actually learn JS from Udemy) were telling about try and catch . I type slowly so I often use auto-complete given by VS Code. Anyway, I wrote try and in auto-complete it gave me trycatch . I clicked on it and it gave me this

try {

} catch (error) {


I want the error to be e like catch(e) , not catch(error) . Is there any way that I can edit VS Code's auto-complete?

Screenshots given

  1. trycatch
  2. auto-complete result
  3. what I want

Thanks recently for the support

You can create custom snippet for VS Code
For do this, you need:

  • Open snippet editor for js (open Command Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P) and print "Snippet", and then select "Configure user snippets", select "JavaScript")
  • In the end of json paste:

 {... "My Try-Catch block": { "prefix": "trycatch", "body": [ "try {", "\t$0", "} catch (e) {", "\t", "}", ], "description": "Paste try-catch with e" } }

Your snippet will be up than standard in autocomplete

Or you can edit default snippets located at:

%localappdata%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\extensions\javascript\snippets

In javascript.code-snippets file

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