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How to add multiple properties in a Textblock programatically using WPF & c#?

How do I add multiple properties, in this case Foreground & FontSize to a particular text in a textblock in WPF using c# code?

I've tried doing it like below but getting error

mytxtblock.Inlines.Add(new Run("Bills pending for Processing: ") { Foreground = Brushes.Aquamarine });
mytxtblock.Inlines.Add(new Run(pendingBills.ToString()) { Foreground = Brushes.LimeGreen } { FontSize = 13 });

Help !

There is one thing that is a syntax error

Instead of

  new Run(pendingBills.ToString()) 
    Foreground = Brushes.LimeGreen 
    FontSize = 13 

you have to use

  new Run(pendingBills.ToString()) 
    Foreground = Brushes.LimeGreen, 
    FontSize = 13 

Whenever you ask, you should also describe the error message itself. I do not know if that is a copy/paste error from you or the real problem you have.

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