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DataTables error loading ajax source data

I am getting the following error when trying to load DataTables ajax sourced data:

DataTables warning: table id=report-table - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/7

Below is my DataTables html:

<table id="report-table" class="display nowrap" style="width:100%">
            <th>Page ID</th>
            <th>Last Modified</th>
            <th>Last Modified User</th>
            <th>Page ID</th>
            <th>Last Modified</th>
            <th>Last Modified User</th>

Below is my DataTables javascript:

    "ajax": data,
    "columns": [
            "data": "PageId",
            "orderable": true
            "data": "SchemaName",
            "orderable": false
            "data": "Name",
            "orderable": true
            "data": "LastModified",
            "orderable": true
            "data": "LastModifiedUser",
            "orderable": true
    "order": [[3, "desc"]]

Below is the confirmed json my C# controller is returning for the DataTables ajax data:


The error seems to be related to the JSON format, but not sure what is wrong?


Adding full javascript code:

    $(function () {
        $("button#report-form-submit").click(function () {
            var data = $("form#report-form").serialize();
                type: "POST",
                url: "@Url.Action("GetReportJson", "Report")",
                data: data,
                dataType: 'json',
                beforeSend: function (data) {
                success: function (data) {
                    // Report DataTables Init
                    // ===========================================
                        "ajax": data,
                        "columns": [
                                "data": "PageId",
                                "orderable": true
                                "data": "SchemaName",
                                "orderable": false
                                "data": "Name",
                                "orderable": true
                                "data": "LastModified",
                                "orderable": true
                                "data": "LastModifiedUser",
                                "orderable": true
                        "order": [[3, "desc"]]
                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                complete: function (data) {

the data source should be an array of arrays that contains the data in the tbody say

data = [

see the example [https://datatables.net/examples/data_sources/js_array.html][1]

additionally, use data: data.data instead of "ajax": data

As your JSON response is an object but not an array, specify the ajax to get the JsonResponse.data as below:

"ajax": {
    "url": /* Your Get Data API url */,
    "dataSrc": function (json) {
        return json.data;


"ajax": {
    "url": /* Your Get Data API url */,
    "dataSrc": "data"
    type: "POST",
    url: "@Url.Action("GetReportJson", "Report")",
    data: data,
    dataType: 'json',
    beforeSend: function (data) {
    success: function (json) {
        var data = json.data;
        // Report DataTables Init
        // ===========================================
            "data": data,
    error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    complete: function (data) {



ajax - DataTables.net

Your <script> block should look like this to initialize your data for your Data Tables:

    $(function () {
        $("button#report-form-submit").click(function () {
            var data = $("form#report-form").serialize();
                type: "POST",
                url: "@Url.Action("GetReportJson", "Report")",
                dataType: "json",
                method: "post",
                beforeSend: function (data) {
                success: function (data) {
                    // Report DataTables Init
                    // ===========================================
                        "columns": [
                                "data": "PageId",
                                "orderable": true
                                "data": "SchemaName",
                                "orderable": false
                                "data": "Name",
                                "orderable": true
                                "data": "LastModified",
                                "orderable": true
                                "data": "LastModifiedUser",
                                "orderable": true
                        "order": [[3, "desc"]]
                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                complete: function (data) {

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