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AttributeError: 'SnowflakeCursor' object has no attribute 'shape'

Is there a way to use "pd.read_sql_query" w/ Snowflake?

I am trying to read my snowflake query in a pandas dataframe, however I get an "Attribute Error" stating 'SnowflakeCursor' object has no attribute 'shape' (code below)...

Snowflake python connector works. fetch_pandas_all() works. Once I try reading the query as a pandas dataframe, it breaks.

import pyodbc
import sys
import os
import getpass
import snowflake.connector
import pyarrow

conn = snowflake.connector.connect(user=' ', password=' ', account=' ', warehouse=' ', database=' ', schema=' ') cur = conn.cursor() tenure = cur.execute( """SELECT DISTINCT CT_ID, CT_STRT_DATE, MONTHS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE('2022-01-01'), TO_DATE(CT_STRT_DATE)) AS TENURE FROM . .**** WHERE CT_SVC_FREQ != 'OT' AND CT_CNCL_DATE IS NULL AND CT_ID LIKE 'S|%' ORDER BY CT_STRT_DATE DESC""")

print(tenure.fetch_pandas_all()) --- This code works fine

Once I try to manipulate using pandas, I run into errors...

print(tenure.shape) -- breaks w/ "Attribute Error"

What about this way:

df_new = tenure.fetch_pandas_all()
total_rows = df_new.shape[0]

Creating a new DF should allow you to run shape

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