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Needing to extract information from a list in python- using jupyter notebook

I am a beginner and I am learning python for my class, The problem I am currently running into is, I am sending a ping to googles server and tracing the time it takes for it to reach back. 3 values are given for each step of the ping. I need to convert these 3 values into a average but they are apart of a string with a bunch of other useless random information that I need to sort out. I'm having trouble with separating these values from the other information.

I have tried using the split() method with new lines to get a list of each individual line and del to delete some of the redundant information, but I'm having trouble with refining it further.

import subprocess
from subprocess import check_output, Popen, call, PIPE, STDOUT 

latency  = []

p = Popen('tracert google.com', stdout = PIPE, stderr = STDOUT, shell = True)
for line in p.stdout:
    lntxt = line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
    words = lntxt.split('\n')
del latency [0:4]
del latency [-4:0]
del latency [-1]
del latency [-1]

L1 = (latency)
L2 = ""
L3 = ""
for x in L1:
    L2 += str(x)
L2.split(" ms  ")

This is what happens when I run the code:

Tracing route to google.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     2 ms     2 ms     1 ms
  2     3 ms    14 ms     2 ms  fcn-core-eth-1-4.its.umd.umich.edu 
  3     3 ms     2 ms     2 ms  fcn-edge-merit-primary.its.umd.umich.edu 
  4     4 ms    10 ms     3 ms  drbr-fairlane-d1.its.umd.umich.edu 
  5     3 ms     2 ms     2 ms  ae1x78.dtrt-wsudc-c1.mich.net 
  6    11 ms    10 ms    16 ms  ae6x14.chcg-lvl3-600w.mich.net 
  7    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms
  8    13 ms    12 ms    12 ms
  9    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms
 10    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms  ord37s35-in-f14.1e100.net 

Trace complete.
["['  1     2",
 '   2',
 '   1',
 "']['  2     3",
 '  14',
 '   2',
 "fcn-core-eth-1-4.its.umd.umich.edu []']['  3     3",
 '   2',
 '   2',
 "fcn-edge-merit-primary.its.umd.umich.edu []']['  4     
 '  10',
 '   3',
 "drbr-fairlane-d1.its.umd.umich.edu []']['  5     3",
 '   2',
 '   2',
 "ae1x78.dtrt-wsudc-c1.mich.net []']['  6    11",
 '  10',
 '  16',
 "ae6x14.chcg-lvl3-600w.mich.net []']['  7    11",
 '  11',
 '  11',
 "']['  8    13",
 '  12',
 '  12',
 "']['  9    11",
 '  11',
  '  11',
 "'][' 10    11",
 '  11',
 '  11',
 "ord37s35-in-f14.1e100.net []']"]

you need to process each line, searching between two characters or using regular expressions in order to extract the desired value.

I give you a functional example:

from subprocess import check_output, Popen, call, PIPE, STDOUT 

latency  = []

def call_traceroute(url: str):
    p = Popen(f'traceroute {url}', stdout = PIPE, stderr = STDOUT, shell = True)
    lines = []
    for line in p.stdout:
    lines = lines[1:]
    return lines

def extract_string_between_two_characters(original_string: str, start_character: str, end_character: str):
    return original_string[original_string.find(start_character)+len(start_character):original_string.find(end_character)]

def extract_latency(line: str):
    latency = extract_string_between_two_characters(original_string=line, start_character =") ", end_character="ms")
    return latency

all_steps = call_traceroute('google.com')
for index, step in enumerate(all_steps):
    print(f"Original Traceroute line {step}")
    latency = extract_latency(step)
    print(f"Latency in step: {index} is {latency} ms\n\n")

An output example is:

python3 latency.py
[' 1 (  10.005 ms  3.198 ms  3.406 ms', ' 2 (  4.231 ms  4.078 ms  4.376 ms', ' 3 (  4.896 ms  4.977 ms  4.772 ms', ' 4 (  9.616 ms  9.731 ms  11.255 ms', ' 5 (  11.714 ms  14.836 ms  10.961 ms', ' 6 (  11.411 ms  11.846 ms', ' (  11.894 ms', ' 7 (  11.794 ms  11.892 ms  11.388 ms', ' 8  mad07s23-in-f14.1e100.net (  13.050 ms  10.042 ms  11.020 ms']

Original Traceroute line  1 (  10.005 ms  3.198 ms  3.406 ms
Latency in step: 0 is  10.005  ms

Original Traceroute line  2 (  4.231 ms  4.078 ms  4.376 ms
Latency in step: 1 is  4.231  ms

Original Traceroute line  3 (  4.896 ms  4.977 ms  4.772 ms
Latency in step: 2 is  4.896  ms

Original Traceroute line  4 (  9.616 ms  9.731 ms  11.255 ms
Latency in step: 3 is  9.616  ms

Original Traceroute line  5 (  11.714 ms  14.836 ms  10.961 ms
Latency in step: 4 is  11.714  ms

Original Traceroute line  6 (  11.411 ms  11.846 ms
Latency in step: 5 is  11.411  ms

Original Traceroute line (  11.894 ms
Latency in step: 6 is  11.894  ms

Original Traceroute line  7 (  11.794 ms  11.892 ms  11.388 ms
Latency in step: 7 is  11.794  ms

Original Traceroute line  8  mad07s23-in-f14.1e100.net (  13.050 ms  10.042 ms  11.020 ms
Latency in step: 8 is  13.050  ms


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