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Switching from discord.js v12, how do I modify my code to Discord.js v13 syntax?

I'm attempting to create a giveaway bot for my discord server and as the title says, the code is pretty much written with a mix of djs v12 and djs v13. The bot currently turns on, but I'm getting a bunch of errors and I think it's originating from my start.js file. Does anyone have any idea how do I go about rectifying this?

The error is:

if (message.member.permission.has('MANAGE_MESSAGES') && !message.member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.id === config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayManagerID)) {

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'has')

My code in start.js :

const ms = require('ms');
const config = require("../../config.json")

module.exports = {
    config: {
        name: "start",
        description: "Starts a giveaway.",
        usage: "[channel] [duration] [winners] [prize]",
        category: "Giveaways",
        accessableby: "Admins",
        aliases: [], // To add custom aliases just type ["alias1", "alias2"].
    run: async (client, message, args) => {
        if (config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayManagerID) {
            if (!message.member.permission.has('MANAGE_MESSAGES') && !message.member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.id === config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayManagerID)) {
                return message.channel.send(':boom: You need to have the \`MANAGE_MESSAGES\` permissions to start giveaways.');
        } else {
            if (!message.member.permission.has('MANAGE_MESSAGES') && !message.member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name === "Giveaways")) {
                return message.channel.send(':boom: You need to have the \`MANAGE_MESSAGES\` permissions to start giveaways.');

        let giveawayChannel = message.mentions.channels.first();
        if (!giveawayChannel) {
            return message.channel.send(':boom: Uh oh, I couldn\'t find that channel! Try again!');

        let giveawayDuration = args[1];
        if (!giveawayDuration || isNaN(ms(giveawayDuration))) {
            return message.channel.send(':boom: Hm. you haven\'t provided a duration. Can you try again?');

        let giveawayNumberWinners = args[2];
        if (isNaN(giveawayNumberWinners) || (parseInt(giveawayNumberWinners) <= 0)) {
            return message.channel.send(':boom: Uh... you haven\'t provided the amount of winners.');

        let giveawayPrize = args.slice(3).join(' ');
        if (!giveawayPrize) {
            return message.channel.send(':boom: Oh, it seems like you didn\'t give me a valid prize!');
        if (!config["Giveaway_Options"].showMention && config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayRoleID && config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayMention) {

            giveawayChannel.send(`<@&${config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayRoleID}>`).then((msg) => msg.delete({ timeout: 1000 }))
            client.giveawaysManager.start(giveawayChannel, {
                time: ms(giveawayDuration),
                prize: giveawayPrize,
                winnerCount: parseInt(giveawayNumberWinners),
                hostedBy: config["Giveaway_Options"].hostedBy ? message.author : null,
                messages: {
                    giveaway: ":tada: **GIVEAWAY** :tada:",
                    giveawayEnded: ":tada: **GIVEAWAY ENDED** :tada:",
                    timeRemaining: "Time remaining: **{duration}**!",
                    inviteToParticipate: "React with 🎉 to participate!",
                    winMessage: "Congratulations, {winners}! You won the **{prize}**!",
                    embedFooter: "Giveaways",
                    noWinner: "Not enough entrants to determine a winner!",
                    hostedBy: "Hosted by: {user}",
                    winners: "winner(s)",
                    endedAt: "Ended at",
                    units: {
                        seconds: "seconds",
                        minutes: "minutes",
                        hours: "hours",
                        days: "days",
                        pluralS: false

        } else if (config["Giveaway_Options"].showMention && config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayRoleID && config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayMention) {

            client.giveawaysManager.start(giveawayChannel, {
                time: ms(giveawayDuration),
                prize: giveawayPrize,
                winnerCount: parseInt(giveawayNumberWinners),
                hostedBy: config["Giveaway_Options"].hostedBy ? message.author : null,
                messages: {
                    giveaway: (config["Giveaway_Options"].showMention ? `<@&${config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayRoleID}>\n\n` : "") + ":tada: **GIVEAWAY** :tada:",
                    giveawayEnded: (config["Giveaway_Options"].showMention ? `<@&${config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayRoleID}>\n\n` : "") + ":tada: **GIVEAWAY ENDED** :tada:",
                    timeRemaining: "Time remaining: **{duration}**!",
                    inviteToParticipate: "React with 🎉 to participate!",
                    winMessage: "Congratulations, {winners}! You won the **{prize}**!",
                    embedFooter: "Giveaways",
                    noWinner: "Not enough entrants to determine a winner!",
                    hostedBy: "Hosted by: {user}",
                    winners: "winner(s)",
                    endedAt: "Ended at",
                    units: {
                        seconds: "seconds",
                        minutes: "minutes",
                        hours: "hours",
                        days: "days",
                        pluralS: false

        } else if (!config["Giveaway_Options"].showMention && !config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayRoleID && config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayMention) {
            giveawayChannel.send(`@everyone`).then((msg) => msg.delete({ timeout: 1000 }))
            client.giveawaysManager.start(giveawayChannel, {
                time: ms(giveawayDuration),
                prize: giveawayPrize,
                winnerCount: parseInt(giveawayNumberWinners),
                hostedBy: config["Giveaway_Options"].hostedBy ? message.author : null,
                messages: {
                    giveaway: ":tada: **GIVEAWAY** :tada:",
                    giveawayEnded: ":tada: **GIVEAWAY ENDED** :tada:",
                    timeRemaining: "Time remaining: **{duration}**!",
                    inviteToParticipate: "React with 🎉 to participate!",
                    winMessage: "Congratulations, {winners}! You won the **{prize}**!",
                    embedFooter: "Giveaways",
                    noWinner: "Not enough entrants to determine a winner!",
                    hostedBy: "Hosted by: {user}",
                    winners: "winner(s)",
                    endedAt: "Ended at",
                    units: {
                        seconds: "seconds",
                        minutes: "minutes",
                        hours: "hours",
                        days: "days",
                        pluralS: false

        } else if (config["Giveaway_Options"].showMention && !config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayRoleID && config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayMention) {
            client.giveawaysManager.start(giveawayChannel, {
                time: ms(giveawayDuration),
                prize: giveawayPrize,
                winnerCount: parseInt(giveawayNumberWinners),
                hostedBy: config["Giveaway_Options"].hostedBy ? message.author : null,
                messages: {
                    giveaway: (config["Giveaway_Options"].showMention ? `@everyone\n\n` : "") + ":tada: **GIVEAWAY** :tada:",
                    giveawayEnded: (config["Giveaway_Options"].showMention ? `@everyone\n\n` : "") + ":tada: **GIVEAWAY ENDED** :tada:",
                    timeRemaining: "Time remaining: **{duration}**!",
                    inviteToParticipate: "React with 🎉 to participate!",
                    winMessage: "Congratulations, {winners}! You won the **{prize}**!",
                    embedFooter: "Giveaways",
                    noWinner: "Not enough entrants to determine a winner!",
                    hostedBy: "Hosted by: {user}",
                    winners: "winner(s)",
                    endedAt: "Ended at",
                    units: {
                        seconds: "seconds",
                        minutes: "minutes",
                        hours: "hours",
                        days: "days",
                        pluralS: false
        } else if (!config["Giveaway_Options"].giveawayMention) {
            client.giveawaysManager.start(giveawayChannel, {
                time: ms(giveawayDuration),
                prize: giveawayPrize,
                winnerCount: parseInt(giveawayNumberWinners),
                hostedBy: config["Giveaway_Options"].hostedBy ? message.author : null,
                messages: {
                    giveaway: ":tada: **GIVEAWAY** :tada:",
                    giveawayEnded: ":tada: **GIVEAWAY ENDED** :tada:",
                    timeRemaining: "Time remaining: **{duration}**!",
                    inviteToParticipate: "React with 🎉 to participate!",
                    winMessage: "Congratulations, {winners}! You won the **{prize}**!",
                    embedFooter: "Giveaways",
                    noWinner: "Not enough entrants to determine a winner!",
                    hostedBy: "Hosted by: {user}",
                    winners: "winner(s)",
                    endedAt: "Ended at",
                    units: {
                        seconds: "seconds",
                        minutes: "minutes",
                        hours: "hours",
                        days: "days",
                        pluralS: false

        message.channel.send(`:tada: Done! The giveaway for the \`${giveawayPrize}\` is starting in ${giveawayChannel}!`);

It looks like you typed it wrong, which is not a problem at all. simply change it to this...

if (!message.member.permissions.has('MANAGE_MESSAGES')

For the error relating to the message event, it has changed to messageCreate in v13.

So if you have a file named message.js or something in that nature, or if you have it in your index.js / main.js , all you would need to do is this


client.on('message', () => {});


client.on('messageCreate', () => {});

just change it from message to messageCreate as seen above.

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