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Can I get access to the global configs from an arbitrary function in my code?

I apologize in advance if what I'm trying to do is an anti-pattern.

I would like to access my global configuration from somewhere in my code where it would be extremely cumbersome to pass the config object that the hydra-decorated main function uses.
I know that this is possible with the hydra-specific configs, using the HydraConfig object. Is there a similar construct for the application-specific configs? Thanks!

Is there a similar construct for the application-specific configs?

Nope, there is no such construct.

If you need access to global state, why not use a global variable?

# app.py
from typing import Optional

import hydra
from omegaconf import DictConfig

# global state
app_cfg: Optional[DictConfig] = None

def nested():
    global app_cfg
    assert app_cfg is not None

def fn():

def app(cfg: DictConfig) -> None:
    global app_cfg
    app_cfg = cfg

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python app.py +foo=bar

You can define a hydra config globally (eg, in the config.py file) and use it across multiple files by importing the config.

Check https://hydra.cc/docs/advanced/compose_api/#initialization-methods for more details.

File structure:

├── conf
│   └── config.yaml
├── config.py
├── main.py
└── utils.py


import hydra

hydra.initialize(version_base=None, config_path="conf")
cfg = hydra.compose(config_name="config")


from config import cfg
from utils import util_function

def main():
    print("Main cfg print\n", cfg)

if __name__ == "__main__":


from config import cfg

def util_function():
    print("Util cfg print\n", cfg)

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