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how to display stack trace instead of 500 internal server error on weblogic

I was working with tomcat 7 and when an exception is thrown the stack trace is shown in the browser. But now I'm using WebLogic 12. Occasionally, I'll get the message "Error 500--Internal Server Error" appear in my web browser when something has gone wrong and I have to look in the log files for the stack trace of the exception. How can I get the exception to be output directly to my browser?

FrontEnd Angular. BackEnd Java.

The best way is to create a custom error page (jsp) and declare it in the web.xml file. For instance:
<error-page> <error-code>500</error-code> <location>myCustomError500.jsp</location> </error-page>
You can specify a jsp or an html page In your case, create a new JSP. It must have this attribute:
<%@ page isErrorPage= "true" %> Inside your jsp, use the built-in exception object to get the error message:
<%= exception %>
For the stack trace:
exception.printStackTrace(new java.io.PrintWriter(out));

The solution is to configure a http filter and intercept the exception then send the message to the frontEnd. In prod mode we cant show stack trace.

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