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How to test this code in junit 4 and java 8?

I'm trying to testing this code in junit 4 and java 8 (I can't improve the version).

The thing is, I can't use in this version @MockBean or @Autowired for test coding, so, ¿what's the better option if I can't improve the version?


public class DaoHibernate extends BaseDaoHibernate implements Dao {

private static final String ID_CD_QUERY_PARAM = "idCD";
private static final String IDPAIS_QUERY_PARAM = "idPais";
 * Instancia del logger
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DaoHibernate.class);
private static final SimpleDateFormat SDF = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

public List<Combo> getThingsByCamion (Integer idCD, Date fDesde,Date fHasta, Integer idPais,String idReferenciaTransporte){
    try {
        List<Combo> things = new ArrayList<Combo>();

        if (idCD != null) {

            final StringBuilder hqlQueryThings = new StringBuilder();

            hqlQueryThings.append("SELECT DISTINCT ");
            hqlQueryThings.append(" ao.referencia ");
            hqlQueryThings.append(" FROM ");
            hqlQueryThings.append(" almacen.agrupacion_operativa ao, ");
            hqlQueryThings.append(" almacen.Detalle_Agrupacion_Operativa dao, ");
            hqlQueryThings.append(" almacen.detalle_envio_exportacion dee, ");
            hqlQueryThings.append(" almacen.seguimiento_bulto sb ");

            if(idPais!=null ){
                hqlQueryPallet.append(" INNER JOIN MAESTROS.LOCALIZACION LOC ON LOC.ID_LOCALIZACION = sb.id_localizacion_destino ")
                .append(" AND LOC.ID_PAIS = :idPais ");

            hqlQueryThings.append(" WHERE ");
            hqlQueryThings.append(" ao.id_agrupacion_operativa = dao.id_agrupacion_operativa AND ");
            hqlQueryThings.append(" sb.id_localizacion_origen = :idCD AND ");
            hqlQueryThings.append(" dee.id_bulto = dao.id_bulto  ");

            if(idReferenciaTransporte!=null ){
                hqlQueryPallet.append("  AND dee.referencia_transporte = :idReferenciaTransporte ");
            if(fDesde!=null && fHasta!=null){
                hqlQueryThings.append("  AND SB.Fecha_Expedicion >= :fDesde AND ");
                hqlQueryThings.append("  SB.Fecha_Expedicion <= :fHasta ");

            hqlQueryThings.append(" WITH UR ");
            final Query queryThing = getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()
            if (idPais != null) {
                queryThing.setInteger(IDPAIS_QUERY_PARAM, idPais);
            if (idReferenciaTransporte != null) {
                queryThing.setString("idReferenciaTransporte", idReferenciaTransporte);
            queryThing.setInteger(ID_CD_QUERY_PARAM, idCD);
            queryThing.setDate("fDesde", fDesde);
            queryThing.setDate("fHasta", fHasta);

            final List<String> result = (List<String>) queryThing.list();

            if (result != null) {

                for(String obj : result){
                    Combos c = new Combos();

        LOGGER.debug("Fin getThingsByCamion");
        return pallets;
    } catch (final RuntimeException recep) {
        LOGGER.error("Errorejecutando getThings", recep);
        throw recep;

When I arrive to final Query queryThing = getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(hqlQueryPallet.toString()); it just says NullPointerException because it can't find the current session in the test.

The Test:

public class DaoHibernateTests {

private static final String ORIGEN = "Origen";
private static final String MATRICULA = "Matricula";
private static final String CODIGO_ENVIO = "Envio";

private static final String PLATAFORMA = "Plataforma 1";
private static final Integer ID_PLATAFORMA = 1;

/** The sdf. */
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");

private DaoHibernate daoHibernate;
private Date fechaEnvio;

public void setUp() throws ParseException {

    fechaEnvio = sdf.parse("01-01-2021");

    daoHibernate = new AgrupacionOperativaDaoHibernate();

@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void buscarMercanciaEntradaTestError1() {
    List<Combo> getThingsByCamion = daoHibernate.getThingsByCamion(1, fechaEnvio,fechaEnvio, 1,CODIGO_ENVIO);

    Assert.assertEquals(1, getThingsByCamion.size());

POM: Dependencies for testing:




What I need to do?


You're already using Java 8, so that's not a reason for not using JUnit 5. That means you can use both JUnit 5 and the JUnit 4 functionality and packages. Do that by using the JUnit 5 dependencies (I suggest junit-jupiter and not junit-jupiter-api , as the former comes with junit-jupiter-engine and junit-jupiter-params ) as well as the vintage engine ( junit-vintage-engine ).

This allows you to keep using JUnit 4 (actually the vintage engine) for all existing tests, and JUnit 5 for this new test.

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