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.Net 6 How detect action filter is on Controller or Action method

I have an action filter like this:

 public class TestAttribute : IAsyncActionFilter, IOrderedFilter
    public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
        var onController= ?//here I want to detect whether attribute is on controller or action

    public int Order { get; }

And I put attribute on controller like this (I know for sake of this purpose you need to use IFilterFactory or ServiceFilter but I removed them for simplicity):

public class FileController : BaseApiController

Or for Action methods:

public async Task<ActionResult<FileResponse>> UploadAsync()

So my question is how to detect this attribute is execute for controller scope or action scope in .net 6?

This code will help you;

 public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
        var currentFilter = context.ActionDescriptor
            .FirstOrDefault(filterDescriptor => ReferenceEquals(filterDescriptor.Filter, this));

        if (currentFilter == null)

        if (currentFilter.Scope == FilterScope.Action)

        if (currentFilter.Scope == FilterScope.Controller)

        await next();

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