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How to get sum of firestore document values using fold? Flutter

body: StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(
      stream: record,
          (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> snapshot) {

        final totalIncome =
            snapshot.data?.docs.fold<double>(0, (previousValue, element) {
          return previousValue + (element['incomeAmount'] ?? 0.0);
        }) as double;


This works if a field exists. If there is no field in firestore this gives an error field does not exist within the DocumentSnapshotPlatform

How can I make it work something like


or if there is no field return 0?

You can make a function to get the totalAmount . It can be look like this

 int totalCost = 0;

  void getTotal() {
        .listen(event) {
      totalCost = (event.docs.fold<int>(
        0,(p, c) => prev + (Model.fromJson(c.data() as Map<String, dynamic>).amount),

Then in the didChangeDependencies you can write this code,

  void didChangeDependencies() {
    if (mounted) {

Finally, you can show the value of totalCost wherever you want.


You can see this GIF to check if it is correct or wrong

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