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How to use @Viewbuilder and return view in swiftUi?

I have overlay with below code

.overlay(abcViewModel.isError ? AnyView(DialogBoxOneButton(accessibilityID: "dialogboxes", dialogboxType: .error, dialogboxTitle: "title", dialogboxBody: "body", dialogboxFirstButtonTitle: "title", dialogboxFirstButtonCallback: {
    abcViewModel.isError = false
}, isDialogboxFirstButtonClicked: .constant(true))) :  AnyView(EmptyView()))

I am trying to avoid use of Anyview and did below code but getting error as "Unknown attribute 'Viewbuilder'" and not sure how to return view in if case

private func getOverlayView() -> some View {
     if abcViewModel.isError {
          DialogBoxOneButton(accessibilityID: "dialogboxes", dialogboxType: .error, dialogboxTitle: "title", dialogboxBody: "body", dialogboxFirstButtonTitle: "title", dialogboxFirstButtonCallback: {
              abcViewModel.isError = false
          }, isDialogboxFirstButtonClicked: .constant(true))
    } else {
       return EmptyView()

Kindly help me the best way for this

You need to add @ViewBuilder to the computed property/function creating the overlay view.

private var overlay: some View {
    if abcViewModel.isError {
        DialogBoxOneButton(accessibilityID: "dialogboxes", dialogboxType: .error, dialogboxTitle: "title", dialogboxBody: "body", dialogboxFirstButtonTitle: "title", dialogboxFirstButtonCallback: {
             abcViewModel.isError = false
         }, isDialogboxFirstButtonClicked: .constant(true))
    } else {

and then pass this property to overlay


You can add @ViewBuilder above your function signature like:

@ViewBuilder private func createOverlay() -> some View { ... }

And get rid of all return keywords.

Cleaner method

You can extend the View and define a simple function and hide any view conditionally like:

extension View {

    func hidden(if condition: Bool) -> some View {
        if condition { self.hidden() }
        else { self }

and use it like:

    .hidden(if: !abcViewModel.isError)

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