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Can not delete a partitioned bigquery table

I have a partitioned table in bigquery which needs to be unpartitioned. It is empty at the moment so I do not need to worry about losing information. I deleted the table by clicking on it > choosing delete > typing delete but the table is still there even I refreshed the page or wait for 30 mins.

Then I tried the cloud shell terminal:

bq rm --table project:dataset.table_name

then it asked me to confirm and deleted the table but the table is still there!!!

Once I want to create an unpartitioned table with the same name, it gives an error that a table with this name already exists!

I have done this many times before, not sure why the table does not get removed?

Deleting partitions from Google Cloud Console is not supported. You need to execute the command bq rm with the -t shortcut in the Cloud Shell.

Before deleting the partitioned table, I suggest verifying you are going to delete the correct tables (partitions).

You can execute these commands:

for table in `bq ls --max_results=10000000 $MY_DATASET_ID | grep TABLE | grep $MY_PART_TABLE_NAME | awk '{print $1}'`; do echo $MY_DATASET_ID.$table; done

For the variable $MY_PART_TABLE_NAME , you need to write the table name and delete the partition date/value, like in this example "table_name_ 20200818 ".

After verifying that these are the correct partitions, you need to execute this command:

for table in `bq ls --max_results=10000000 $MY_DATASET_ID | grep TABLE | grep $MY_PART_TABLE_NAME | awk '{print $1}'`; do echo $MY_DATASET_ID.$table; bq rm -f -t $MY_DATASET_ID.$table; done

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