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Vuetify 3 change event in v-select

I am testing Vuetify 3 (npm:@vuetify/nightly@next) v-select and try to get change event. However, my handler function is not called. This is my code:


export default defineComponent({

  setup() {

    function onLanguageChange(a: any) {
    const items = ['Русский', 'English'];

    return {onLanguageChange, items}



And this is what I get in console when I focus select and change its value.


Could anyone say, if this is a bug or something is wrong with my code (and how to fix it)?

v-select 's event list does not include the change event. It only has one event: update:modelValue .

Use the update:modelValue event instead:

<v-select @update:modelValue="onLanguageChange">

demo 1

Or use a v-model with a watcher:

<v-select v-model="lang">...</v-select>
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup() {
    const lang = ref()
    watch(lang, (newValue) => console.log('new lang', newValue))
    return { lang }

demo 2

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