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AWS Glue crawler exclude patterns not working

I have following AWS S3 bucket and folders:

I want to crawl the 3 parquet files under folder1 and folder2 (one in folder1 and 2 in folder2) under tfsdl_apac_test/rz_test. Folder1 and2 each contain a _default_log and _symlink_format_manifest folders and they have same files for both folder1 and folder2 for testing purpose and the contents in _default_log and _symlink_format_manifest are shown here for folder1.






This is the crawler settings: 在此处输入图像描述

But the crawler gives me this result in the generated tables: all the files from all the subfolders under rz_test. There are total of 13 files from all the subfolders.


The information from official document is a little misleading, the exclude pattern should be:


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