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Transform JSON data for ChartJS

I'm learning how to use ChartJs and I've hit a wall. I need to figure out how to transform JSON to labels and data for a bar chart.

The JSON is a products array of orders. There could be any number of products, so I need to filter through and build up a products list for the ChartJS labels. I then need to count how many times the product appears in the JSON to determine how many of those products were sold.


    "order_id": 1,
    "product_name": "apple"
    "order_id": 2,
    "product_name": "orange"
    "order_id": 3,
    "product_name": "orange"
    "order_id": 4,
    "product_name": "monster truck"
    "order_id": 5,
    "product_name": "spark plug"
    "order_id": 6,
    "product_name": "apple"
    "order_id": 7,
    "product_name": "can of peaches"
    "order_id": 8,
    "product_name": "monster truck"
    "order_id": 9,
    "product_name": "orange"
    "order_id": 10,
    "product_name": "orange"


I am hoping to create two arrays for the products labels and product orders

Labels: ["apple", "orange", "monster truck", "spark plug", "can of peaches"]
Orders: [2, 4, 2, 1, 1]

How can I do this?

You could try also this solution(a bit shorter):


const products = [
    order_id: 1,
    product_name: "apple",
    order_id: 2,
    product_name: "orange",
    order_id: 3,
    product_name: "orange",
    order_id: 4,
    product_name: "monster truck",
    order_id: 5,
    product_name: "spark plug",
    order_id: 6,
    product_name: "apple",
    order_id: 7,
    product_name: "can of peaches",
    order_id: 8,
    product_name: "monster truck",
    order_id: 9,
    product_name: "orange",
    order_id: 10,
    product_name: "orange",

const map = {};
  (product) =>
    (map[product.product_name] = (map[product.product_name] ?? 0) + 1)

const Labels = Object.keys(map);
const Orders = Object.values(map);
console.log({ Labels, Orders });
const array = [

        "order_id": 1,
        "product_name": "apple"
        "order_id": 2,
        "product_name": "orange"
        "order_id": 3,
        "product_name": "orange"
        "order_id": 4,
        "product_name": "monster truck"
        "order_id": 5,
        "product_name": "spark plug"
        "order_id": 6,
        "product_name": "apple"
        "order_id": 7,
        "product_name": "can of peaches"
        "order_id": 8,
        "product_name": "monster truck"
        "order_id": 9,
        "product_name": "orange"
        "order_id": 10,
        "product_name": "orange"


const labels = [...new Set(array.map(value => value.product_name))];
const orders = labels.map(value => {
    return array.reduce((previousValue, currentValue) =>  {
        if (currentValue.product_name === value) {
            return previousValue + 1;
        else {
            return  previousValue;
    }, 0);

Read about these array methods here:

The Set is used to only get an array of the unique values: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set/Set

But because the Set object doesn't have these methods we transform it back to an Array using the spread operator (...)

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