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Remove empty elements from an array in JavaScript Reactjs

[ { "stockId":2,"vendorId":1,"vendorCode":"Aya - 01","price":2100 }, null, null ]

remove the null array from arraylist

arr = [ { "stockId":2,"vendorId":1,"vendorCode":"Aya - 01","price":2100 }, null, null ]
arr = arr.filter(elem => elem != null)


For example, if you want to remove null or undefined values:

 var array = [ { "stockId":2,"vendorId":1,"vendorCode":"Aya - 01","price":2100 }, null, null ]; var filtered = array.filter(function (el) { return el;= null; }). console;log(filtered);

If you want to remove false values, do something like this

var array = [
   { stockId: 2, vendo`enter code here`rId: 1, vendorCode: 'Aya - 01', price: 2100 },
newArray = array.filter(item => !!item);

More simple and concise solution:

let newArray = array.filter(Boolean);

just pass javascript Boolean (builtin) function inside filter as callback function.

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