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connect pydev to wsl python

I use eclipse and pydev on windows. I need to develop on airflow, that works on linux and on wsl, but not on windows. I have a working wsl-based os (an ubuntu) with a working venv with airflow installed and running.

I was wondering if I can set up a python interpreter in pydev that points to the "wsl" python and obtain the various pydev integrations (from the autocomplete to the debugging)

Without having tried it myself, I believe the chances of using the Windows version of Eclipse/PyDev to develop using the Linux version of Python is unlikely.

While it seems that PyDev has remote debugging capabilities , I can't be sure if this works cross-platform. Even if it does, pay close attention to the note at the bottom of that page:

the file pydevd_file_utils.py must be edited to make the path translations from the client machine to the server machine and vice-versa. See the comments on that file for detailed instructions on setting the path translations.

That's going to involve some pretty serious Windows <-> WSL/Linux path translations. You might try to rely on the wslpath executable in WSL as a helper for that.

As for completions, that's where I really doubt that it's possible using Windows Eclipse/PyDev with Linux/WSL Python.

My suggestion would be to instead run the Linux version of Eclipse/PyDev under WSL. You'll need a system capable of running Linux GUI apps, of course. Under Windows 11, that's fairly straightforward with the WSLg feature. See my answer yesterday on Ask Ubuntu for more options.

I just did a quick test and was able to run Linux Eclipse/PyDev under Ubuntu in WSL2. I did run into some issues with some dialogs not being the right size (and not resizable), but I was still able to complete the installation. If you decide to go this route and find you need assistance, let me know and I'll attempt to go further with it.

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