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Issue with SQL Query ( Booking Software )

I have the following fiddle.


    id int NOT NULL,
    unique_id varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    start_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
    end_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE TABLE appointments (
    id int NOT NULL,
    unique_id varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    start_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
    end_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
    shift_id int NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    FOREIGN KEY (shift_id) REFERENCES shifts(id)

INSERT INTO `shifts` (`id`, `unique_id`, `start_date`, `end_date`)
    ('4596', '614fc0c5dab2485bba8cbbd9eb98aa53', '2022-02-28 10:00:00', '2022-03-15 19:00:00');

INSERT INTO `appointments` (`id`, `unique_id`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `shift_id`)
    (18352, 'accdc12943954ee2bd69ad116c2fef3d', '2022-02-28 18:15:00', '2022-02-28 19:00:00', 4596),
    (18351, '6a0d56ad43894b60b4f8a289fbbfff73', '2022-02-28 17:30:00', '2022-02-28 18:15:00', 4596),
    (18545, '4a49c054e59e4514ae2a521b55a7715c', '2022-02-28 16:50:00', '2022-02-28 17:15:00', 4596),
    (18622, '02ca48b35ca3462f9030bcb97ea1dbab', '2022-02-28 16:30:00', '2022-02-28 16:50:00', 4596),
    (18544, 'd27bc7ba34a74f078966ebe1567d3181', '2022-02-28 16:00:00', '2022-02-28 16:30:00', 4596),
    (18685, '4057b87c089b463188a26bc45d85388a', '2022-02-28 15:00:00', '2022-02-28 15:10:00', 4596),
    (18462, '3270929ae6e546fb824e6d3219917b8e', '2022-02-28 14:30:00', '2022-02-28 16:00:00', 4596),
    (18235, 'deac969701ae47f0a78696f12c267475', '2022-02-28 14:00:00', '2022-02-28 14:30:00', 4596),
    (18540, 'e16af8a053594e8b8340ede302398a22', '2022-02-28 13:30:00', '2022-02-28 14:00:00', 4596),
    (18537, 'e1946add03cd412da357b58c93d58c6e', '2022-02-28 12:30:00', '2022-02-28 13:15:00', 4596),
    (18355, 'ec570f9365bb4ad68c7b5ab3b7d9aeea', '2022-02-28 12:00:00', '2022-02-28 12:30:00', 4596),
    (18523, 'aff5abe6e8f84a64ace3277d3cd6dbd1', '2022-02-28 11:00:00', '2022-02-28 12:00:00', 4596),
    (18517, '124baaa1aeab421cb288f2b7c7abe89b', '2022-02-28 10:30:00', '2022-02-28 11:00:00', 4596),
    (18382, '1371e41a7cf342bfa279a8b120cc5f43', '2022-02-28 10:00:00', '2022-02-28 10:30:00', 4596);

SELECT Available_from, Available_to
  FROM (
    SELECT COALESCE(@lasttime_to, '2022-02-28 10:00:00') AS Available_from, start_date AS Available_to, @lasttime_to := end_date
    FROM (SELECT start_date, end_date
             FROM appointments
             WHERE end_date <= '2022-02-28 19:00:00'
             AND start_date >= '2022-02-28 10:00:00'
             UNION ALL (
               SELECT '2022-02-28 19:00:00', '2022-02-28 19:00:00'
             UNION ALL (
               SELECT '2022-02-28 10:00:00', '2022-02-28 10:00:00'
               ORDER BY start_date, end_date
           ) e
    JOIN (SELECT @lasttime_to := NULL) init) x
    WHERE Available_to > DATE_ADD(Available_from, INTERVAL 14 MINUTE);

How can I make this query ignore edge cases such as the one?

2022-02-28 13:15:00 2022-02-28 13:30:00
2022-02-28 15:10:00 2022-02-28 16:00:00 ( EDGE CASE )
2022-02-28 17:15:00 2022-02-28 17:30:00

This is caused by the appointment which lasts from

'2022-02-28 15:00:00' TO '2022-02-28 15:10:00'


2022-02-28 13:15:00 2022-02-28 13:30:00
2022-02-28 17:15:00 2022-02-28 17:30:00

You can use a timestamp tally of all minutes in the interval in question to find free minutes and them group them into available intervals.

with t1(c) as (
   select 0 union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9
), dtally as (
   select  TIMESTAMPADD(minute, row_number() over() - 1, '2022-02-28 10:00:00') t,  row_number() over() rn
   from t1, t1 as t2, t1 as t3, t1 as t4
), freeMins as ( 
   select *, rn - row_number() over(order by rn)  grp
   from dtally
   where t <= '2022-02-28 19:00:00'
   and not exists (
          select 1 
          from appointments a
          where t between a.start_date and a.end_date)
select min(t) Available_from, max(t) Available_to
from freeMins
group by grp


Available_from  Available_to
2022-02-28 13:16:00 2022-02-28 13:29:00
2022-02-28 17:16:00 2022-02-28 17:29:00


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