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Google Sheets - Display Note From Reference Sheet Using Apps Script

Hello Helpful Strangers

I am busy building an inventory location system using Google Sheets. I have two tabs:

Tab 1: "Basket" This shows items as chosen by the customer

Basket 1 Basket 2 Basket 3
Banana Pear Apple
Orange Orange Pear
Lettuce Cucumber Cucumber
Broccoli Lettuce Broccoli

Tab 2: "Data" This shows more details about each item such as category and price.

Item Category Price
Apple Fruit $1
Banana Fruit $1.50
Pear Fruit $1.25
Orange Fruit $1
Cucumber Vegetable $1.33
Lettuce Vegetable $2
Broccoli Vegetable $2.10
Pumpkin Vegetable $3

I would like to use Google Sheets' notes feature to display the category and price on the Basket sheet when I hover over an item as in the image below:


I have no experience in Apps Script and require some assistance please.

An added bonus would be to auto-size (trim) the note size according to the displayed content.

Many thanks for your help in advance.


This solution is very specific to the data and 2 sheets, Basket and Data you provide above. I would suggest you study the app script carefully before using it.

Sample Script

function addNotes() {
  try {
    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    var bsh = ss.getSheetByName("Basket");
    var dsh = ss.getSheetByName("Data");
    var bValues = bsh.getDataRange().getValues();
    bValues.shift();  // remove the first row
    var dValues = dsh.getDataRange().getValues();
    dValues.shift();  // remove the first row
    dValues = dValues.map( 
      row => row[0]+" - "+row[1]+" - $"+(( typeof row[2] === "number" ) ? row[2].toFixed(2) : row[2] )
    var notes = [];
    bValues.forEach( row => {
        temp = [];
        row.forEach( col => {
          temp.push( dValues.find( item => item.includes(col) ) );
        } );
      } );
  catch(err) {


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