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How do I configure the --output of jlink command in maven-jlink-plugin?

I'm trying to generate a JRE using maven-jlink-plugin , just as I would with the jlink command. I started doing a maven configuration like this:


However, I can't find any element in the documenation: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-jlink-plugin/jlink-mojo.html

Although maven didn't complain about my <output> , it didn't generate anything.

My command line version looks like this:

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\jlink --no-header-files --no-man-pages --compress=2 --module-path %JAVA_HOME%\jmods --add-modules java.base,java.compiler,java.datatransfer,java.desktop,java.instrument,java.logging,java.management,java.naming,java.prefs,java.rmi,java.scripting,java.sql,java.xml,jdk.compiler,jdk.unsupported --output target\jre

Apparently, the jlink maven plugin is not meant to do that. To run the command jlink with jre output, maven antrun plugin is suited for that:

                        <link compress="2" includeHeaders="false" modulepath="${java.home}/jmods"
                            includeManPages="false" debug="false" destDir="target/jre">
                            <module name="java.compiler"/>
                            <module name="java.datatransfer"/>
                            <module name="java.desktop"/>
                            <module name="java.instrument"/>
                            <module name="java.logging"/>
                            <module name="java.management"/>
                            <module name="java.naming"/>
                            <module name="java.prefs"/>
                            <module name="java.rmi"/>
                            <module name="java.scripting"/>
                            <module name="java.sql"/>
                            <module name="java.xml"/>
                            <module name="jdk.compiler"/>
                            <module name="jdk.unsupported"/>

For me this works:


                  <!-- add project dependencies to modulepath -->
                    <!-- add project output (module) to modulepath -->
                    <!-- exclude automatic modules -->


mvn clean compile package

mvn jlink:jlink

The result is in the target/jlink folder (about 28Mb for me).

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