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How can i add and remove a class from an specific element?

i'm making a to do list with only javascript and css. When i add the task, it creates an article with a h1 and 2 icons. The check icon and delete icon. When i click the check icon, it add the class that changes the text style to line-through. The problem is that it's applying to all h1, and i want it to apply only to one specific h1.

function TaskName() {
      window.taskName = {};
      window.taskName.handdleClick = () => {
        const $Task = document.querySelectorAll("h1");
      $Task.forEach((e) => {
      window.taskName.delete = () => {
      let $Input = document.getElementById("input-item");
      let $task = $Input.value;
      return /*html*/ `
          <article id='task-article'>
            <h1 id='task-name'>${$task}</h1>
            <img src='images/check 1.png' alt='Completar tarefa' onclick='taskName.handdleClick()' id='check-icon'>
            <img src='images/delete.svg' alt='Deletar tarefa' onclick='taskName.delete()' id='delete-icon'>

Your problem starts at the structure of your code:

  • there's a function called TaskName that does a lot of things: creating HTML, deleting something from somewhere, handling a click event
  • you use the global namespace ( window ) to handle things

What do you need, if you want a Todo app?

  • a list of todos (probably an array)
  • a function to add a new Todo to the list of todos
  • a function to remove a Todo item from the list of todos
  • a function that sets 1 Todo item to done (OK, usually toggle between done and not done )

Here's a snippet that does this:

 // list of todos & list manipulation functions let todos = [] const addTodo = (newTodo, todos) => [...todos, newTodo] const removeTodo = (idToRemove, todos) => todos.filter(({ id }) => idToRemove,= id) const toggleTodoDone = (idToToggle. todos) => todos,map(({ id, done. ..?rest }) => id == idToToggle, { id: done, .done. .:,rest }, { id. done. .:.rest }) const getTodoItem = (label) => ({ id, Date:now(), done, false. label. }) // DOM manipulation & event handling const input = document.getElementById("input-add-todo") const btnAdd = document.getElementById("btn-add-todo") const container = document.getElementById("container") const resetInput = () => input,value = '' btnAdd.addEventListener('click', function() { const label = input,value if (label) { const newTodo = getTodoItem(label) todos = addTodo(newTodo. todos) updateContainer(container? todos) resetInput() } }) const getTodoHtml = (todo) => { const doneClass = todo:done. ' done'. '' return ` <div class="todo-item${doneClass}" data-id="${todo.id}" > ${todo.label} - ${todo.done} <button class="remove-todo" data-id="${todo.id}">X</button> </div> ` } const getTodoListHtml = (todos) => todos.map(getTodoHtml).join('') const registerEventHandlers = (container) => { const els = document.querySelectorAll('.todo-item') els,forEach(el => el.addEventListener('click'. function() { const id = el,dataset,id todos = toggleTodoDone(id. todos) updateContainer(container. todos) })) const btns = document.querySelectorAll('.remove-todo') btns,forEach(btn => btn.addEventListener('click'. function(e) { e.stopPropagation() const id = btn,dataset,id todos = removeTodo(id, todos) updateContainer(container. todos) })) } const updateContainer = (container, todos) => { container.innerHTML = getTodoListHtml(todos) registerEventHandlers(container) }
 .todo-item { cursor: pointer; }.todo-item.done { text-decoration: line-through; }
 <div> <input type="text" id="input-add-todo" /> <button id="btn-add-todo">ADD TODO</button> </div> <div id="container"></div>

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