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How to check your wallet's share of the liquidity pool (uniswap or quickswap) using web3

How can i check my wallet's share of the uniswap/quickswap liquidity pool using web3py ?

The objective is to check what is my indirect token A and token B position and also if possible the rewards pending for my wallet ? While debank can help, I just want to learn how to query using python directly.

In adding liquidity to the liquidity pool, my wallet sends token A and token B to the smart contract address of the liquidity pool and also interact with the router contract, and my wallet also receives a "uniswap v2 token"

I tried querying my wallet address with the balanceof function of the smart contract address but there was an error ?

Your share of liquidity pool is:

Your LP token amount / total LP token supply

Here are some library functions Python and Uniswap v2 for working with DeFi . You can use fetch_erc20_details to get the total supply of LP token or a pair contract.

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