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Golang json.Unmarshal is not working as expected

Im trying to unmarshal json response from vcenter rest api. when the response body is simply printed it looks like the o/p below


i have exported both struct and struct fields however the fields like memory_size_MiB, power_state,cpu_count is not being unmarshalled. when the struct is printed it looks like below:-

{Value:[{Mem:0 Vm:vm-10236 Name:Normal_Windows_192.168.1.10 Powerstat: Cpu:0} {Mem:0 Vm:vm-10238 Name:Normal_Windows_192.168.1.11 Powerstat: Cpu:0} {Mem:0 Vm:vm-10582 Name:Normal_Windows_192.168.1.12 Powerstat: Cpu:0}]}% 

Below is my main.go

    package main
    import (
    type SessionData struct {
        VmwareApiSessionId string `json:"value"`
    type Vm struct {
        Mem int `json: "memory_size_MiB"`
        Vm string `json: "vm"`
        Name string `json: "name"`
        Powerstat string `json: "power_state"`
        Cpu int `json: "cpu_count"`
    //{Value:[{Mem:0 Vm:vm-10236 Name:Normal_Windows_192.168.1.10 Powerstat: Cpu:0} {Mem:0 Vm:vm-10238 Name:Normal_Windows_192.168.1.11 Powerstat: Cpu:0} {Mem:0 Vm:vm-10582 Name:Normal_Windows_192.168.1.12 Powerstat: Cpu:0}]}
    type ColVmList struct {
        Value []Vm `json: "value"`
    func getVmList(sessid string,cli *http.Client) ColVmList {
        vms := ColVmList{}
        resp,err := cli.Do(req)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error %s", err)
        defer resp.Body.Close()
        body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(body),&vms)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("error %s", err)
        return vms
    func main(){
    loginurl = "https://sandbox.vmware.local/rest/com/vmware/cis/session"
    err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(string(body)),&sessVal)
    if  err != nil{
    var allvmlist ColVmList
    allvmlist = getVmList(sessVal.VmwareApiSessionId,&cli)

Your struct tags are not well formed. Remove the space between json: and the string "..." in the struct tags. ie it MUST be json:"..." not json: "..." .

And the reason some fields are correctly unmarshaled even with not well-formed struct tags is because the fields' names match the json property names.

func main() {
    data := []byte(`{"memory_size_MiB":16384}`)

    var obj1 struct {
        Mem int `json: "memory_size_MiB"`
    if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &obj1); err != nil {

    var obj2 struct {
        Mem int `json:"memory_size_MiB"`
    if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &obj2); err != nil {


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