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How can the alignment requirement be satisfied?

I think that I am misreading the standard quotation, hence I do not fully understand what's the exact intent of the wording.

Firstly, I am already aware of what alignment requirement is, but I can't figure out the exact relation between alignment requirement and casting in general, and what're the points I should care about, regarding alignment requirement, when I perform static_casting or reinterpret_casting. I think now the reader got my first question.

Secondly, there're some words in the standard quotation I spend two days to understand them but I don't. From the paragraph in:

N4885: Static cast [expr.static.cast]

A prvalue of type “pointer to cv1 void” can be converted to a prvalue of type “pointer to cv2 T”, where T is an object type and cv2 is the same cv-qualification as, or greater cv-qualification than, cv1. If the original pointer value represents the address A of a byte in memory and A does not satisfy the alignment requirement of T, then the resulting pointer value is unspecified .

Here, they said " if the original pointer value doesn't satisfy the alignment requirement of T, then the resulting pointer value is unspecified ". What really does that mean?

What's I can't understand is when does this "original pointer value" satisfies the alignment requirement of T, and when does not, to avoid such unspecified pointer value. I just need someone to explain the bold part from the above quote with simple examples; what I have to know, as a programmer, from that bold part and what I have to avoid. For example:

int i = 12;
double *pd = static_cast<double *>(static_cast<void *>(&i)); // does 'pd' has unspecified address value?.
short *ps = static_cast<short *>(static_cast<void *>(&i));   // does 'ps' has unspecified address value?.

Finally, there's a relatively same sentence I need to understand in:

N4885: Reinterpret cast [expr.reinterpret.cast]

An object pointer can be explicitly converted to an object pointer of a different type.61 When a prvalue v of object pointer type is converted to the object pointer type “pointer to cv T”, the result is static_cast<cv T*>(static_cast<cv void*>(v)) . [Note 7: Converting a pointer of type “pointer to T1” that points to an object of type T1 to the type “pointer to T2” (where T2 is an object type and the alignment requirements of T2 are no stricter than those of T1) and back to its original type yields the original pointer value. — end note].

What does the standard mean by this sentence "the alignment requirements of T2 are no stricter than those of T1" , what does the word " stricter than " mean.

I think if I have this static_assert expression, then maybe the alignment requirements of T2 would not be stricter than those of T1: static_assert(alignof(T1) >= alignof(T2)) ; Or this assertion is not true for some cases.

int i = 34;
double *pd = reinterpret_cast<double *>(&i); // does 'pd' has unspecified address value?.
short *ps = reinterpret_cast<short *>(&i);   // does 'ps' has unspecified address value?.

I am added these example to just clear what my problem lies, not to just answer the questions in the // comments

While common implementations have integer-like pointers (such that reinterpret_cast behaves like memcpy between pointers and integers and arithmetic on the pointers is reflected in the integer values), the standard as usual provides only weak guarantees to support less common architectures where pointers have other formats and/or special registers. As such, it's impossible to observe alignment of a dynamic pointer value: the unspecified value applies if alignof(expression_type)<alignof(cast_type) unless the pointer refers to an object declared with alignas or to an object whose actual type is more strongly aligned.

This means that double* is a poor type to use for the sort of “ temporary pointer storage” for which reinterpret_cast exists; fortunately, most C++ code uses templates (so this doesn't come up), old C code uses char* (whose alignment is 1), and other code uses void* (which has no alignment), so there's rarely an actual issue here.

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