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Plastic in Docker windows containers

I want to use plastic SCM in Docker windows containers. I searched in Plastic and found Linux containers docker file SO I want to try my own docker file for that I need to know the command to download the SCM installation file using PowerShell and install it without the GUI (arguments to pass for installation) via Powershell

This is the script I'm currently using for my windows image. I will warn you that it does take ~5-10 minutes to install during the build process, but everything works great besides that. It works pretty simply, it creates a temp folder and uses the URL for the download to download the installer there, then runs the installer, and finally deletes the temp folder.

    #This installs plastic

    $tempFolder = "C:\Temp"
    $plasticURL = "https://www.plasticscm.com/download/downloadinstaller/"
    $installerName = "plasticinstalling.exe"

    New-Item $tempFolder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    $installerLocation = (Join-Path -Path $tempFolder -ChildPath $installerName -ErrorAction Stop)

    Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $plasticURL -OutFile $installerLocation -ErrorAction Stop

    Start-Process -FilePath $InstallerLocation -ArgumentList "--mode","unattended" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru

    Remove-Item -Recurse $tempFolder -Force -ErrorAction Ignore

Then, in my docker file I just call the script:

    RUN powershell -Command C:\Scripts\installPlastic.ps1

Hope this helped and feel free to reach out with more questions.

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