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Powershell- Function call is not working in the add_click method. Please advice

I am trying to call function OKButtonEvent inside the on click event but whenever I am clicking on OK button nothing happens. I have created checkboxes and on selected checkboxes, I am calling different-different powershell scripts but seems not working. I have tried different -2 things but nothing works. One question if I do select 3 checkboxes then during the on click event of OK button all conditions based on 3 selected checkboxes will execute?

Below is my script:

function Test-AnyButtonChecked
    if ($checkbox1.Checked -or $checkbox2.Checked -or $checkbox3.Checked -or $checkbox4.Checked) 
            $OKButton.Enabled = $true
            $OKButton.Enabled = $false

function OKButtonEvent
    if ($checkbox1.Checked)
        echo "hi CB1"
        & ((Split-Path $MyInvocation.InvocationName)+"\abc.ps1")
    if ($checkbox2.Checked)
        write-host "hi CB2"
        & ((Split-Path $MyInvocation.InvocationName)+"\bcd.ps1")
    if ($checkbox3.Checked)
        & ((Split-Path $MyInvocation.InvocationName)+"\cde.ps1")
    if ($checkbox4.Checked)
        & ((Split-Path $MyInvocation.InvocationName)+"\def.ps1")

function checkbox_test
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")

    # Set the size of your form
    $Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $Form.width = 1000
    $Form.height = 700
    $Form.Text = ”ABC Scan”

    # Set the font of the text to be used within the form
    $Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Times New Roman",12)
    $Form.Font = $Font

    # create your checkbox 
    $checkbox1 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.checkbox
    $checkbox1.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(60,30)
    $checkbox1.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(250,50)
    $checkbox1.Text = "OS Scan"
    $checkbox1.Checked = $true

    # create your checkbox 
    $checkbox2 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.checkbox
    $checkbox2.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(60,90)
    $checkbox2.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(250,50)
    $checkbox2.Text = "ARP Scan - Publisher"
    $checkbox2.Checked = $true

    # create your checkbox 
    $checkbox3 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.checkbox
    $checkbox3.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(60,150)
    $checkbox3.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(350,50)
    $checkbox3.Text = "ARP Scan - Display Name"
    $checkbox3.Checked = $true

    # create your checkbox 
    $checkbox4 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.checkbox
    $checkbox4.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(60,210)
    $checkbox4.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(250,50)
    $checkbox4.Text = "File Scan GCI"
    $checkbox4.Checked = $true


    # Add an OK button
    $OKButton = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $OKButton.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(400,550)
    $OKButton.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,40)
    $OKButton.Text = "OK"
    #$form.AcceptButton = $OKButton

    #Add a cancel button
    $CancelButton = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(600,550)
    $CancelButton.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,40)
    $CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"

    ###########  This is the important piece ##############
    #                                                     #
    # Do something when the state of the checkbox changes #
    $checkbox1.add_CheckedChanged( { Test-AnyButtonChecked })
    $checkbox2.add_CheckedChanged( { Test-AnyButtonChecked })
    $checkbox3.add_CheckedChanged( { Test-AnyButtonChecked })
    $checkbox4.add_CheckedChanged( { Test-AnyButtonChecked })


    # Activate the form
    [void] $Form.ShowDialog()

#Call the function

So I made this app for a scanner at work. It reads barcodes and makes a list of them. And then when you want the labels printed out for the codes you paste the code into a html page with the input box. (At least I do...) This app helps us out by doing that automatically, so I don't have to walk around the kitchen making single scans. I just scan them all at once into my textbox and hit print and aim.

Try it... put some numbers or words or letters in there seperated by tabs like a scanner would automatically put. Then hit fix list.

...its kind of wild but I know it should help you make your functions work with the controls. It's a good class example.

Oh by the way.. create a folder in your documents folder called testOneX first... and save your work too before trying.

      #You might need to set your execution policies for -scope currentUser

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing

class autoListVars
    [int]$MbuttonSizeXY = 100
    [int]$labDrop = 30



    [string]$profile = $profile
class autoPrintForm : autoListVars
        $this.topLabel1.text = $this.fileArea


        $this.MbuttonSizeXY = $formSizeBase

        $this.topLabel1.text = $this.cacName
        #$this.displayBox1.Text = $this.fileArea


        $nameOfPlace = "\testOneX" 
        $this.placeName = $nameOfPlace
        $nameOfStop = "Documents"
        $fileBins = $nameOfStop
        $fileBinsL = $fileBins.Length
        $startLFileName = $this.profile.IndexOf($nameOfStop)
        $mainArea = $this.profile.Substring(0, $startLFileName + $fileBinsL)
        $proof = $mainArea
        $this.fileArea = $mainArea
        $this.cacName = $this.fileArea + $this.placeName

        $this.newTextDone = $this.cacName + "\newListZX.txt"
        $this.newText = $this.cacName + "\newList.txt"
        $this.backText = $this.cacName + "\backText.txt"
        $this.backTextDone = $this.cacName + "\backTextDone.txt"



        $this.RbuttonSizeX = $this.MbuttonSizeXY / 2
        $this.RbuttonSizeY = $this.MbuttonSizeXY / 3

        $this.RbuttonGapX =  $this.MbuttonSizeXY / 10 
        $this.RbuttonGapY =  $this.MbuttonSizeXY / 10 

        $this.textBoxSizeX = $this.MbuttonSizeXY * 2.5
        $this.textBoxSizeY = $this.MbuttonSizeXY + $this.RbuttonSizeY * 2.985
        #$this.textBoxSizeY = $this.MbuttonSizeXY * 1.992 

        $this.disBoxSizeX = $this.MbuttonSizeXY * 1.5
        $this.disBoxSizeY = $this.MbuttonSizeXY + $this.RbuttonSizeY * 2.985


        $this.lab1X = $this.MbuttonSizeXY - 1
        $this.lab1Y = $this.labDrop

        $this.lab2X = $this.MbuttonSizeXY * 2.5 
        $this.lab2Y = $this.labDrop

        $this.lab3X = $this.MbuttonSizeXY * 1.5 
        $this.lab3Y = $this.labDrop

        $this.MPointX = $this.RbuttonGapX
        $this.MPointY =  $this.labDrop + 1 

        $this.formSizeX = $this.MbuttonSizeXY * 5 +  $this.RbuttonGapX * 3
        $this.formSizeY = $this.MbuttonSizeXY * 2 +  $this.RbuttonGapY * 4 +  $this.MPointY

        $this.formPX = 0 #but like center screen ... work it out
        $this.topLabel1X = $this.RbuttonGapX
        $this.topLabel2X = $this.MbuttonSizeXY + $this.RbuttonGapX
        $this.topLabel3X = $this.MbuttonSizeXY * 3.5 + $this.RbuttonGapX * 1.1
        $this.textBoxPX = $this.MbuttonSizeXY + $this.RbuttonGapX
        $this.displayBoxX = $this.MbuttonSizeXY * 3.5 + $this.RbuttonGapX * 1.1
        $this.mainMacroButtonX = $this.RbuttonGapX
        $this.curButtonX = $this.RbuttonGapX
        $this.autoButtonX = $this.RbuttonGapX + $this.RbuttonSizeX
        $this.canButtonX = $this.RbuttonGapX 
        $this.fxlButtonX = $this.RbuttonGapX + $this.RbuttonSizeX
        $this.clrButtonX = $this.RbuttonGapX
        $this.backButtonX = $this.RbuttonGapX + $this.RbuttonSizeX

        $this.formPY = 0
        $this.topLabel1Y = $this.RbuttonGapY
        $this.topLabel2Y = $this.RbuttonGapY 
        $this.topLabel3Y = $this.RbuttonGapY 
        $this.textBoxPY = $this.RbuttonGapY + $this.MPointY
        $this.displayBoxY= $this.RbuttonGapY + $this.MPointY
        $this.mainMacroButtonY = $this.RbuttonGapY + $this.MPointY
        $this.curButtonY = $this.RbuttonGapY + $this.MbuttonSizeXY + $this.MPointY
        $this.autoButtonY = $this.RbuttonGapY + $this.MbuttonSizeXY + $this.MPointY
        $this.canButtonY = $this.RbuttonGapY + $this.MbuttonSizeXY + $this.RbuttonSizeY + $this.MPointY 
        $this.fxlButtonY = $this.RbuttonGapY + $this.MbuttonSizeXY + $this.RbuttonSizeY + $this.MPointY
        $this.clrButtonY = $this.RbuttonGapY + $this.MbuttonSizeXY + $this.RbuttonSizeY * 2 + $this.MPointY
        $this.backButtonY = $this.RbuttonGapY + $this.MbuttonSizeXY + $this.RbuttonSizeY * 2 + $this.MPointY



        $this.formP = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form  

        $this.formP.Text = 'AUTOMATIC PRINTING DIALOG'
        $this.formP.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size( $this.formSizeX, $this.formSizeY )
        $this.formP.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'

         $result = $this.formP.ShowDialog()


         $this.textBoxP = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
         $this.textBoxP.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point( $this.textBoxPX, $this.textBoxPY)
         $this.textBoxP.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size( $this.textBoxSizeX, $this.textBoxSizeY)
         $this.textBoxP.Multiline = $True
         $this.textBoxP.AcceptsReturn = $True
         $this.textBoxP.AcceptsTab = $True
         #$this.textBoxP.Scrollbars ="Vertical"
         #$this.textBoxZ.ReadOnly = "true"
         $this.textBoxP.WordWrap = $True 
         $this.textBoxP.TextAlign = "Left"

        $font3Box = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial" , 10 , [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Regular)
        $this.displayBox1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
        $this.displayBox1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point( $this.displayBoxX, $this.displayBoxY)
        $this.displayBox1.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size( $this.disBoxSizeX, $this.disBoxSizeY)
        $this.displayBox1.Multiline = $true
        $this.displayBox1.AcceptsReturn = $true
        $this.displayBox1.AcceptsTab = $true
        $this.displayBox1.BackColor = 'darkslategray'
        $this.displayBox1.Font = $font3Box

        $this.displayBox1.BorderStyle = 'none'
        $this.displayBox1.ReadOnly = $true
        $this.displayBox1.ForeColor = "lime"


        $fontBBX = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial" , 12 , [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::BOLD)
        $this.mainMacroButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
        $this.mainMacroButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($this.mainMacroButtonX,$this.mainMacroButtonY)
        $this.mainMacroButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.MbuttonSizeXY,$this.MbuttonSizeXY)
        $this.mainMacroButton.Text = 'MAINAUTO'
        $this.mainMacroButton.font = $fontBBX 
        $this.mainMacroButton.backcolor = "indianred"
        $thisMAINMACROBUTTON = $this 

        $this.canButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
        $this.canButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($this.canButtonX,$this.canButtonY)
        $this.canButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.RbuttonSizeX,$this.RbuttonSizeY)
        $this.canButton.Text = 'CANCEL'
        $this.canButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel
        $this.canButton.BackColor = "black"
        $this.canButton.forecolor = "indianred"
        $this.formP.CancelButton = $this.canButton
        $this.autoButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
        $this.autoButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($this.autoButtonX,$this.autoButtonY)
        $this.autoButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.RbuttonSizeX,$this.RbuttonSizeY)
        $this.autoButton.Text = 'AUTO'
         $this.autoButton.backcolor = "indianred"
        $thisAUTOBUTTON = $this 

        $this.curButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
        $this.curButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($this.curButtonX,$this.curButtonY)
        $this.curButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.RbuttonSizeX,$this.RbuttonSizeY)
        $this.curButton.Text = 'CUR'
        $this.curButton.BackColor = "indianred"

        $thisCURBUTTON = $this 

        $this.fxlButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
        $this.fxlButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($this.fxlButtonX,$this.fxlButtonY)
        $this.fxlButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.RbuttonSizeX,$this.RbuttonSizeY)
        $this.fxlButton.Text = 'FIX'
        $this.fxlButton.BackColor = "ForestGreen"
        $this.fxlButton.ForeColor = "Lime"

        $thisformFXLBUTTON = $this 


        $this.clrButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
        $this.clrButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($this.clrButtonX,$this.clrButtonY)
        $this.clrButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.RbuttonSizeX,$this.RbuttonSizeY)
        $this.clrButton.Text = 'CLR'
        $this.clrButton.BackColor = "black"
        $this.clrButton.forecolor = "indianred"

        $thisformCLRBUTTON = $this 
        $this.backButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
        $this.backButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($this.backButtonX,$this.backButtonY)
        $this.backButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.RbuttonSizeX,$this.RbuttonSizeY)
        $this.backButton.Text = 'BACK'
        $this.backButton.BackColor = "green"

        $thisBACKBUTTON = $this

        $fontLab1 = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial" , 8 , [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::BOLD)

        $this.topLabel1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $this.topLabel1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($this.topLabel1X, $this.topLabel1Y)
        $this.topLabel1.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size( $this.lab1X ,$this.lab1Y )
        $this.topLabel1.Font = $fontLab1
        $this.topLabel1.ForeColor = "snow"
        $this.topLabel1.BackColor = "dodgerBlue"
        $this.topLabel1.Text = ''

        $fontLab2 = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial" , 8 , [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::BOLD)

        $this.topLabel2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $this.topLabel2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($this.topLabel2X, $this.topLabel2Y)
        $this.topLabel2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size( $this.lab2X ,$this.lab2Y )
        $this.topLabel2.Font = $fontLab2
        $this.topLabel2.ForeColor = "black"
        $this.topLabel2.BackColor = "indianred"
        $this.topLabel2.Text = 'NOT READY TO PRINT YET'

        $fontLab3 = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial" , 8 , [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::BOLD)

        $this.topLabel3 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
        $this.topLabel3.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($this.topLabel3X, $this.topLabel3Y)
        $this.topLabel3.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size( $this.lab3X ,$this.lab3Y )
        $this.topLabel3.Font = $fontLab3
        $this.topLabel3.ForeColor = "black"
        $this.topLabel3.BackColor = "indianred"
        $this.topLabel3.Text = 'DONT MISS WHEN IN MACRO!!! USE NOTEPAD!'


    fixClick( ) #enable the security bypass by setexecutionpolicy -scope currentuser etc... 
        #don't get me wrong security here can be henious...

        $newFile1 = $this.newTextDone
        $newFile2 = $this.newText
        $backTextD = $this.backTextDone
        $backText1 = $this.backText

        $deal = Test-Path -Path $newFile1
        $deal2 = Test-Path -Path $newFile2
        $deal3 = Test-Path -Path $backText1
        $deal4 = Test-Path -Path $backTextD


        if($deal -eq $true)
            remove-item $newFile1


        if($deal2 -eq $true)

            remove-item $newFile2
        if($deal3 -eq $true)

            remove-item $backText1
        if($deal4 -eq $true)

            remove-item $backTextD

            $happy = $this.textBoxP.Text

            $happy >> $newFile2
            $happy >> $backText1

            $listFxr = $this.cacName + "\listfixer.ps1"
            $powershellArguments = $listFxr 


            cd $this.cacName


            $placeListFixer = ".\listfixer.ps1"
            Unblock-File -Path "$placeListFixer"
            Start-Process powershell  "$placeListFixer"  -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden

            $thisLISTFIXER = $this 

            $horseX = [string](Get-content -path $newFile1 )

            $spiltHorse = $horseX.Split() 
            $accu = ""
            foreach($goget in $spiltHorse)
                $accu += $goget
                $accu += "`r`n"


            $this.displayBox1.text  = $accu 

            $this.fxlButton.BackColor = "ForestGreen"
            $this.autoButton.backcolor = "forestgreen"
            $this.mainMacroButton.backcolor = "forestgreen"
            $this.backButton.backcolor = "indigo"
            $this.backButton.foreColor = "lime"
            $this.curButton.backColor = "forestGreen"
            $this.curButton.foreColor = "black" 

            $this.topLabel2.ForeColor = "midnightblue"
            $this.topLabel2.BackColor = "forestGreen"
            $this.topLabel2.Text = "READY TO PRINT SOMETHING"

            $this.topLabel3.ForeColor = "midnightblue"
            $this.topLabel3.BackColor = "forestGreen"
            $this.topLabel3.Text = "DONT MISS WHEN IN MACRO!!! USE NOTEPAD!"

        $this.displayBox1.text = "" 
        $this.textBoxP.text = "" 
        $newFile1 = $this.newTextDone
        $newFile2 = $this.newText

        $dealy = Test-Path -Path $newFile1
        $deal2y = Test-Path -Path $newFile2

        if($dealy -eq $true)
        remove-item $newFile1


        if($deal2y -eq $true)

        remove-item $newFile2


        $this.autoButton.backcolor = "indianred"
        $this.mainMacroButton.backcolor = "indianred"
        $this.curButton.BackColor = "indianred"

        $this.topLabel2.ForeColor = "black"
        $this.topLabel2.BackColor = "indianred"
        $this.topLabel2.Text = "NOTHING TO PRINT"

        $this.topLabel3.ForeColor = "black"
        $this.topLabel3.BackColor = "indianred"
        $this.topLabel3.Text = "DONT MISS WHEN IN MACRO!!! USE NOTEPAD!"

        $newFile1 = $this.newTextDone
        $newFile2 = $this.newText
        $deay = Test-Path -Path  $newFile1
        $dea2y = Test-Path -Path $newFile2 

        if($dea2y -eq $true)
            $this.displayBox1.text = ""

            $horseX = [string](Get-content -path  $newFile2 )

            $spiltHorse = $horseX.Split() 
            $accu = ""
            foreach($goget in $spiltHorse)
                $accu += $goget
                $accu += "`r`n"


            $this.displayBox1.text  = $accu 
        if($deay -eq $true)
            $this.textboxP.text = ""
            $horseX2 = [string](Get-content -path $newFile2 )

            $spiltHorse = $horseX2.Split() 
            $accu = ""
            foreach($goget in $spiltHorse)
                $accu += $goget
                $accu += "`r`n"


            $this.textboxP.text  = $accu 


        if($this.topLabel2.BackColor -ne "IndianRed" )
            Start-Process notepad

            $fontBB = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial" , 48 , [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::BOLD)
            $this.mainMacroButton.font = $fontBB

            $this.mainMacroButton.backcolor ="black"
            $this.mainMacroButton.forecolor = "red"
            $this.topLabel2.backcolor = "black"
            $this.topLabel2.forecolor = "red"
            $this.topLabel2.text = "MACRO IS ABOUT TO GO!"

            $this.topLabel3.backcolor = "black"
            $this.topLabel3.forecolor = "dodgerblue"

            $this.mainMacroButton.text = "4"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $this.mainMacroButton.text = "3"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $this.mainMacroButton.text = "2"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
             $this.mainMacroButton.text = "1"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $fontBA = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial" , 22 , [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::BOLD)
            $this.mainMacroButton.font = $fontBA
            $this.mainMacroButton.text = "MACRO!"

            $fontBBXX = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial" , 12 , [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::BOLD)
            cd $this.cacName
            $placeAutoClicker = ".\autoShootPrinting.ps1"
            unblock-file -Path "$placeAutoClicker"

            Start-Process powershell $placeAutoClicker -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden 
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $thisAPRINTER = $this 

            $this.mainMacroButton.Text = 'MAINAUTO'
            $this.mainMacroButton.font = $fontBBXX 
            $this.mainMacroButton.backcolor = "indianred"
            $this.mainMacroButton.forecolor = "black"

            $this.topLabel2.ForeColor = "black"
            $this.topLabel2.BackColor = "indianred"
            $this.topLabel2.text = "NOT READY TO PRINT YET" 
            $this.topLabel3.ForeColor = "black"
            $this.topLabel3.BackColor = "indianred"
            $this.topLabel3.Text = 'DONT MISS WHEN IN MACRO!!! USE NOTEPAD!'


            $thisFix = $this
            $thisAuto =$this
            $thisClr = $this
            Stop-Process -Name notepad

        $backFileO = $this.backText
        $deay = Test-Path -Path  $backFileO
        $horseB = [string](Get-content -path  $backFileO )
        if($deay -eq $true)
            $this.textBoxP.text = $horseB 


        $newFileAP = $this.newTextDone
        $catZX = gc $newFileAP
        $lCatZX = $catZX.Length

        $rottenZX = ""

        for ( ($i = 0)  ; $i -lt $lCatZX ; $i++ )

            if($i -ne ($lCatZX - 1 ) )

                $hookyZX = $catZX[$i]
                $hooky2ZX = $catZX[$i + 1]
                $this.topLabel3.text = $hookyZX
                #Set-Clipboard -Value ($hooky)
                #$sexcZX = 340
                $sexcZX = 270
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds  $sexcZX
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds  $sexcZX
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds  $sexcZX
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds  $sexcZX
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds  $sexcZX
                #Start-Sleep -Seconds  2

                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds  $sexcZX
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds  $sexcZX
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds  $sexcZX

                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds  $sexcZX
                $rottenZX = $rottenZX + $hookyZX
                $hookyZX = ""



        $newFileFLD = $this.newTextDone
        $newFileFL = $this.newText
        $backTextFL = $this.backTextDone

        $horseXX = [string](Get-content -path $newFileFL ) 

        $dogsX = $horseXX

        $popX = 1
        $hookyX = ""
        $hooky2X = ""

        $fudX = ""
        $catCX = $dogsX.Length
        for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $catCX ; $i++)
            if($i -ne ($catCX - 1 ) )

                $hookyX = $dogsX[$i]
                $hooky2X = $dogsX[$i + 1]

                if ( $hookyX -ne " " -and $hookyX -ne "`t")
                         $fudX = $fudX + $hookyX
                if ( $hookyX -eq "`t")
                      #$fud = $fud + "`n"
                     $fudX >> $newFileFLD
                     $fudx >> $backTextFL
                     $popX = $popX + 1
                     $fudX = "" 

              $fudX = $fudX + "`n"

             $fudX >> $newFileFLD
             $fudx >> $backTextFL


#$aNewSheet = [autoPrintForm]::new() 
$aNewSheet = [autoPrintForm]::new(185)

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