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Is it possible to do prop drilling from React Class Component to Functional Component?

I am currently working some React Class Component Code and wanna do a props drilling to allow the child functional component call alert functions in the parent Component. Specifically, I am doing the following: In this class constructor, I made the binding: this.setPtbrRequestAlert = this.setPtbrRequestAlert.bind(this);


And in the section where I pass down the props function, I did this: 从父母到孩子的道具钻孔

However, in the child component, props passed are destructured but I am not able to use them in the functional component as these props are not found. 找不到名字

Can somebody explain what is wrong with this props drilling? Why am I not able to reference these values by desturturing them in the functional child component and if there is a way to address it?

I know somebody may wanna suggest refactor all the codes to functional component but I am trying not to mess around with Prod code right now. I want to gracefully implement new features with functional component and refactor old codes in the future gradually. Thanks in advance!

You've written code which is renaming the props inside the child component. When you do this:

({setAlertCallback: AlertCallbackFunction, userId: any}) => {

That's not doing typescript, that's doing destructuring with renaming. It's the equivalent of:

(props) => {
  let AlertCallbackFunction = props.setAlertCallback;
  let any = props.userId

So when you try to interact with setAlertCallback you can't, because you've renamed it AlertCallbackFunction instead.

You want do do:

({ setAlertCallback, userId }: {setAlertCallback: AlertCallbackFunction, userId: any}) => {

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