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How to generate multiple files and then move created files into individual folders

I am trying to generate a PowerShell script that will either take a file from C:\*FOLDER*\users\ or just create a file that will have an individual information in it. Here is a snip of contents. The DB name is the item that will need to be changed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The second part would be to take the generated file and move it to C:\*FOLDER*\Users\rduser* but to rduser 1-350. The script below is what I started on to get the file to move but unsure if it will work with a new file generated. Any help is appreciated!!


foreach ($directory in $(get-childitem $target).Name)  
  $targetpath= join-path -path $target -childpath $directory 
  copy-item -path $source -Destination $targetpath 

I think I got it now..

$DirectoryNames=get-childitem "C:\users" -Name

foreach($directory in $DirectoryNames){

Set The Formatting

$xmlsettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings

$xmlsettings.Indent = $true

$xmlsettings.IndentChars = " "

Set the File Name Create The Document and move file

$rduser="C:\users" + $directory + "\dbconnect.xml"

$XmlWriter = [System.XML.XmlWriter]::Create($rduser, $xmlsettings)

Start the XML Generation


$xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Connection") # <-- Start <Object>



$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # <-- End <Object>

$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # <-- End

End, Finalize and close the XML Document




} '

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