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How to fix error objects are not valid react child?

I am trying map through an object with the goal to render the key and their value inside ap tag. I am having the error message object are not valid react child.

How can I overcome this error?

        <div className="d-flex flex-wrap">
              Object.keys(features).map((item,index) => {           

                   return   <p key={item} className="fw-bold bg-light fs-6 text-primary m-1 p-2">{{[item]:features[item]}}</p> 

This error is because the code


actually results to an object. So child of <p> tag is an object. You can solve it by using Template literals inside <p> tag

 <div className="d-flex flex-wrap">
          Object.keys(features).map((item,index) => {           

               return   <p key={item} className="fw-bold bg-light fs-6 text-primary m-1 p-2" >{`{${item}: ${features[item]}}`}</p> 

In this section of React doc , it is said that:

You can put any valid JavaScript expression inside the curly braces in JSX

Moreover {[item]:features[item]} itself is not a valid expression, according to this list

So instead, you have to embed 2 expressions, item and features[item]

return (
  <p key={item} className="fw-bold bg-light fs-6 text-primary m-1 p-2">
    {item}: {features[item]}

It is because of the double brackets in your code

Use only one brackets like this


Following is JSON


If you meant to render the JSON as a string then do like this.


Do it like this

Object.keys(features).map((item) => {   
return <p>  {item} : {features[item]}</p>

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