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Laminas Cache config issue after updated to PHP 8.1 from zend3

I work on a project which is recently updated to Laminas and PHP 8.1 from Zend3 and PHP 7.4.

in config/autoload/global.php

  'caches' => require __DIR__ . '/caches.php',

and this is caches.php

$cacheDefault = [
    'adapter' => [
       'name'    => 'Memcached',
       'options' => [
        'servers' => Module::isRunningOnVM()
            ? ['']
            : Module::getMemcachedServersFromEnvironment(),

return [

   'cache_instrument_manager_search' => array_merge_recursive(
        'adapter' => [
            'options' => [
                'namespace' => 'instrument_manager_search',
                'ttl'       => 20,

  'cache_weekly' => array_merge_recursive(
           'adapter' => [
               'options' => [
                    'namespace' => 'weekly',
                   'ttl'       => 604800, // whole week

It worked well in zend 3. but after updating to Laminas and PHP8.1 I got this error





Service with name "cache_instrument_manager_search" could not be created. Reason: Configuration must contain a "adapter" key.

I have changed it to

return [

   'cache_instrument_manager_search' => [
       'adapter' => 'Memcached',
       'options' => ['ttl' => 3600],
       'plugins' => [
               'name' => 'exception_handler',
               'options' => [
                   'throw_exceptions' => false,

But Still has this error Laminas\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException




Unable to resolve service "Memcached" to a factory; are you certain you provided it during configuration?

I need help. I read documents in Laminas but still could not solve this.

I'm using Redis Cache and I had to add:


to my modules.config.php file

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