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async use with FileSystemWatcher in Net 5

I'm trying to create an application in Net 5 that watches a folder and any time files are being dropped in the folder, it should run a certain set of tasks (getting some info from the files, copy them to new location, among others). I thought I could implement both Net's FileSystemWatcher and concurrent collections (from the Collections.Concurrent namespace here, but I run into the problem that I cannot run it with being async.

I initialize the watcher like this (following the docs of MS):

public BlockingCollection<string> fileNames = new BlockingCollection<string>();
public void InitiateWatcher()
    using FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(@"C:\temp"); //test dir

    watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.Attributes
             | NotifyFilters.CreationTime
             | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName
             | NotifyFilters.FileName

    watcher.Created += OnCreated;

    watcher.Filter = "*.*";
    watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true;
    watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

    Console.WriteLine("Press e to exit.");

private void OnCreated(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
    string value = $"Created: {e.FullPath}";
    // this of course creates problems, since it is a async task running in sync mode.
    await PipelineStages.ReadFilenamesAsync(_sourcePath, fileNames);
    // do other work with the result from ReadFilenameAsync

My PipelineStages class, which does most of the real work with the files, looks like this:

public static class PipelineStages
    public static Task ReadFilenamesAsync(string path, BlockingCollection<string> output)
        return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            foreach (string fileName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
        }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

If I turn the OnCreated method async it throws error that the return type is not valid. That kinda makes sense to me, although I don't know the way forward on this.

I see two errors: One error is when the code hits the output.add(fileName) line, it throws an System.InvalidOperationException: 'The collection has been marked as complete with regards to additions.'

The other one is that I notice in the onCreated method that filenames get written to the console that are in very different folders, seemingly randomly.

So, basically, I have two questions:

  • Is this the right approach? (If not, what are other alternatives)
  • If this is the right approach, how can I fix these problems?

Firstly, it looks like you prematurely call output.CompleteAdding() , so every subsequent execution of PipelineStages.ReadFilenamesAsync gets the foregoing System.InvalidOperationException error. Secondly, while async void is indeed generally discouraged, it is admissible in the following cases:

  • event handlers
  • the Main method

BUT as long as such an async void event handler is basically a fire‑and‑forget function, you should make it bulletproof with regard to any captured variables whose state can be invalidated in the outer scope (disposed, CompleteAdding , and the like).
I have rigged up the following async ‑contrived short self‑contained example to demonstrate the point I am trying to make:

using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;

object lockObj = new();
using var watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(@".");
using BlockingCollection<string?> queue = new();

async void FileCreatedHandlerAsync(object _, FileSystemEventArgs e) => await Task.Run(() => {
  var lockTaken = false;
    Monitor.Enter(lockObj, ref lockTaken);
    if (!queue.IsCompleted)
  catch (ObjectDisposedException) { }
  finally {
    if (lockTaken)
watcher.Created += FileCreatedHandlerAsync;
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

var consumer = Task.Run(async () => {
  foreach (string? name in queue.GetConsumingEnumerable())
    await Task.Run(() => Console.WriteLine($"File has been created: \"{name}\"."));

Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");

watcher.Created -= FileCreatedHandlerAsync;
lock (lockObj) {
bool completed = consumer.Wait(100);
Debug.Assert(completed && TaskStatus.RanToCompletion == consumer.Status); 

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