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How to remove server header from nginx response in elastic beanstalk

I am trying to remove the server header ( server: nginx/1.20.0 ) from elastic beanstalk response. I have added 00_server.conf to .platform/nginx/conf.d/ in the source bundle with the following configuration

server {
    server_tokens off;

I am expecting this would extend the Elastic Beanstalk default nginx configuration as mentioned here and at least remove the version from the server header. But this is not working.

I need help with the following things:

  1. How do I extend the default configuration so that I can remove the server version?
  2. How do I remove the complete header?

I have looked at the similar questions on stackoverflow but they don't seem to help.

Update : Issue 1 is resolved. server_tokens need to be inside the http context. Updating the above configuration to

server_tokens off;

fixed the problem.

To remove the Server header completely you have many options , of which most prominent would be using ngx_security_headers module:

hide_server_tokens on;

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