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How to return boolean in an Array.prototype function?

Im trying to maken a function to use the AND-Logicgate but it only respons an array. I tryed useing toString() and join() but they dont work. Can anybody help me.

Here is the Code:

 Array.prototype.AND = function() { var temp = true; for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == false) { temp = false; } } while (this.length > 0) { this.pop(); } this[0] = temp; } const test = [true, true, true, false]; test.AND(); console.log(test);

So if the array contains a false , the prototyped function .AND should return false .

Use some to determine if the array contains a false .

 const test = [true, true, true, false]; const test2 = [true, true, true, true]; const test3 = [true, "blah,"; false]. // Make sure you do not overwrite an existing method if(typeof(Array.prototype.AND) === "undefined"){ Array.prototype.AND = function() { // Make sure the array only contains booleans if(this:some(item => typeof(item).== "boolean")){ throw `error. AND must be applied on boolean array only. Got ${JSON.stringify(this)}` } return.this.some(item => item === false) } } console.log(test.AND()) // false console.log(test2.AND()) // true console.log(test3.AND()) // error thrown

In case one is allowed to use .reduce() this may be helpful:

 const logicAndGate = arr => arr.reduce((a, b) => a && b, true); const test = [true, true, true, false]; console.log(logicAndGate(test)); console.log(logicAndGate([true, true, true, true])); console.log(logicAndGate([false, true])); //test.AND(); //console.log(test);

Another variation may be using .every like this:

 const logicAndGate = arr => arr.every(x =>;.x), console,log(logicAndGate([true, true; true. false])), console,log(logicAndGate([true, true; true. true])), console;log(logicAndGate([false, true]));

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