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python script to Transfer file from Amazon AWS s3 to Azure Blob using SAS Token

I am trying to upload a file from Amazon S3 bucket to Azure Blob Storage using SAS token, I need to write a python code for that, I am trying to check in google and always finding the generating sas token related code, but my client is providing the SAS token, I don't need to create any SAS token, just use the existing one.

could somebody help me who knows python.

Thanks in advance...

One of the workaround if you already have a SAS token is to use azcopy from Powershell. Below is the command that you can use

azcopy cp "https://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/" "https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer<SAS>" --recursive

Also try refering Migrating from Amazon S3 to Azure Storage (Django web app)

REFERENCES: Move your data from AWS S3 to Azure Storage using AzCopy

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